Genesis Basics

The Seven Day Genesis Week is HIGHLY structured.

The expression “God said” occurs 10 times. These “ten sayings” match our Base 10 Number System, with its numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Note that one of those numbers, the 10, is different from the other 9, because it has TWO digits. The “Ten Sayings” in Genesis Chapter 1, are a bit like that too, because one of the “sayings” is different from the other nine sayings. But the difference is not obvious in the English translation.

So, for now, we will be a bit “simplistic” and just say that there are 10 sayings, matching our 10 Numbers. We can think of them as the 10 digits (fingers) of God. We use the same term, digits, for both numbers and fingers.

In a Base 10 Number system, it takes 22 steps to “step down” an order of magnitude, e.g. from 100 to 10.

If we lay out a 10 by 1 Rectangle, the circumference of the Rectangle is 22.

So it is no coincidence that the Divine Biblical Alphabet has 22 Letters (Cf. Psalm 119 for the 22 Letters Alphabet).

The Name for God occurs 32 times in Chapter 1 of Genesis in the original Hebrew version, and in several English translations. These 32 times represent the Numbers and the Letters, 10 + 22 = 32. The Letter Lamed, equivalent to a European L, represents 30. The Letter Bet/Beit/Beth represents 2. (the system is simple, A for 1, B for 2 etc, but just using the Hebrew Letters instead of the European ones).

In this system LB represents the word for Love, and Heart. It is the origin of the German word LieBe, for love, a throwback to German links to the ancient Middle East and to the Bible.

The use of Numbers and Words, measures of Quantity and Quality, as part of the creative process, is now part of modern physics – as the concept of consciousness, or perception and awareness interacting with an undifferentiated field, to create diversity. Similar ideas are part of ancient Hindu and Vedic tradition.

The Structure of The First Chapter of Genesis, laid out as a Diagram. The 10 Numbers (the Spheres/Circles) and the 22 Paths (the Lines), which represent the 22 Letters of the Alphabet, make up the “32”, the LieBe (Love) or LeV (heart in Hebrew). Creation, Genesis and the Universe, all of it comes out of the Heart of God.

“For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory”.

This where the names came from, the names in the “our Father”. They are the names tht describe the Ten Sayings of God in Genesis.

This where the names came from, the names in the “our Father”. They are the names tht describe the Ten Sayings of God in Genesis.


The Human Body has 3 Primary systems (Brain-Nerves, Lungs-Chest and Abdomen-Digestion), 7 Charkras, and 12 Meridians with associated organs. Many cultures know of the Charkras, with India often getting the “credit” for the term Charkra. China and acupuncture are associated with the 12 meridians, but something very similar is in Abraham’s teaching.

The Genesis Week uses the same basic 3-7-12 structure as Human Physiology. The term God made is there three times.

The term “God saw” occurs 7 times. There are another 12 times that God’s name occurs in the chapter. These correspond to the 7 Deacins and 12 Apostles in Christianity, the 7 Lights on the menorah and 12 Tribes in Judaism.

The Hebrew Alphabet has the same structure. So do the 12 Constellations and the 7 objects that we can see “unaided” with the human eye, objects which change position in the sky.

The 12 baskets and 7 “Picnic Hampers/Large Baskets of Jesus’ miracles are yet another expression of the same information:

structure of Genesis Chapter 1, and of the Hebrew Alphabet, of the Human Body, of the Zodiac, and of Jesus’ miracles feeding large crowds
The three “Mother Letters”, Aleph, Mem and Shin represent the three times the words “And God made” occur in the 6 Days of Genesis Chapter 1. They also represent the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt. Hermon. Jesus is the “A for Adam” (Aleph for A, Jesus as the new or second Adam). Shin is used as a symbol for fire. Mem is a symbol for water. Elijah went to Heaven in a fiery chariot. Moses had a long history of association with water: splitting the sea, bringing water out of rock, and being placed on the water as a baby. JESUS TRANSFIGURATION IS DESCRIBED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT AS HAPPENING “AFTER SIX DAYS”. (Mark 9: 2).

The Periodic Table of The Elements

There are 92 Elements from Hydrogen (1 proton in the nucleus of the atom) to Uranium (92 protons) inclusive. The Genesis Week is spread across Chapter 1 of Genesis, and the first few verses of Chapter 2.(Days 1 to 6 are in Chapter 1).

The Genesis Week “story” uses (in the original text written by Moses) 86 different words. The 7th “rest Day” (or Sabbath) introduces another 6 words. These 6 words match the 6 Inert Gases. The 86 words used in the 6 “active days” correspond to the 86 elements in the Periodic Table that “react” with other elements.

Th92 Elements from Hydrogen to Uranium (inclusive). 6 of those Elements are “Inert”
92 Different Words in the Genesis Week, 6 of them in Day 7 (the rest day) and 86 in the active days (1 to 6)


The row lengths in the Periodic Table are 2, 8, 18 and 32. These numbers are Double (or “Twice”) the value of a squared number.

So, 1 * 1 =1, and Double 1 ( 2 * 1 ) =2

Similarly, 2 * 2 = 4, and Doubling 4 gives us 8

3 * 3 = 9, and 2 * 9 = 18

4 * 4 = 16, and 2 * 16 = 32

Jesus’ Hebrew Name has two slightly different spellings. Each letter is a number, in a system that is a bit like Roman Numerals, only simpler in the case of Hebrew-Biblical numbers. The values of those two spellings come out as 386 and 391.

The “386” value is twice the square of 7 plus twice the square of 12. This is the same Mathematical Function as occurs in the Periodic Table of The Elements. The Table is structured that way by the size of the “shells” in different orbits inside an atom.

(The 42 Letter Name reference is to a Name that connects the 42 stops made between Egypt and the Promised Land by Moses and the israelites when they escaped Egypt. Jesus’ 42 generations in Matthew’s Gospel are “connected” with that journey. The reference to “Gates” is about prayer practices. The 42 is also connected with the basic structure of the Periodic Table into :

1 (Hydrogen – a gas that bonds with the same negative ions as metals)

6 Inert Gases

15 Elements that produce negative ions

70 Metals and Semi-metals

These numbers “reduce” (via their differences) to 42:

1 6 15 70

5 9 55

4 46


The connections between Science and Genesis are “CLOSE” !!)

Many spiritual traditions associate sounds (e.g. chanting and meditation) with spiritual power. Modern “motivational speakers” promote “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” (“NLP”). In Biblical tradition, it was/is God’s “Linguistics” that did the “Programming”. In other words, creation happened via the Word of God.

This has BIG implications for humans who were created “in the image of God”, and who were given the power of speech.

For Christians, Jesus is the “Word of God” embodied into human physiology. So it is no surprise that Jesus’ Name is a mathematical representation of the structure of atoms and of the Periodic Table.

Remember the 7 Charkras and the 12 Meridians from a few paragraphs earlier. The 7 and 12 are structured into the human body as we saw. They are also structured into the spiritual traditions of China, South East Asia and of the Indian subcontinent.

And of course they are structured into our “12 constellations” and “7 planets”. Jesus was given a (Hebrew) Name that ties science, creation and most of the world’s spiritual traditions together. No surprise !

Jesus’ Greek (New Testament) Name has a value of 888. Most of China would “convert” immediately if they knew that, because 888 is considered a very fortuitous namber in Chinese tradition.

Mathematical Constants

The Opening verse of Genesis contains two approximations for “pi” the mathematical constant, usually represented by the Greek Letter “Pi”.

Other mathematical constants, such as the Exponential Constant, which is the base for the Natural Logarithm(s) are linked to Genesis 1:1. For instance, the Fine Structure Constant, a precise mathematical constant that “controls” the balance between wether the universe collapses or explodes, is built into a combination of Genesis 1:1 and the first verse in John’s Gospel. Our best scientists had not “discovered” the Fine Structure Constant until the 20th Century. But there it is, in the Bible, accurate to 6 decimal places, thousands of years ago.

The examples on this page are only a small sample that d`emonstrates how much more there is in Genesis (and in the Bible) than is commonly known.