About Us

We are (so far) a small group of scholars from a variety of academic and cultural backgrounds. Our focus is spiritual knowledge, and how to make it “work”. The knowledge is wonderful in its own right. We study it “for its own sake”, rather than for what we can do with it, or for what we can “get out of it”.

But we think it should “work” better than it does for many people. We try to share enough of what we learn to get people to a level where they do more than play “prayer lotto” – where some prayers “get answered” and some do not, and there is nothing we can do about it, “it is just the Will of God” etc etc.

We see “spiritual technology” in spiritual knowledge. Our specialit is Biblical Knowledge. But we do not avoid or exclude Knowledge from other traditions.

Only a small number of people “convert” or get converted to other “religions”. We try to share what is good.

Christians were (and still are) instructed to “make disciples”. But that is not what they normally do. They make CONVERTS rather than disciples. A Disciple is a disciplined student. We can find disciplined students in China, in the Pacific, in Africa, in Islam, in Judaism,Hinduism, Buddhism and in Europe. It is the discipline and study that they share, even if the cultural framework varies.

Some people think that the Bible was only “written down” a bit over 3,000 years ago, therefore it is just a collection of older knowledge.

Yes, the Bible WAS written down in the past three and “a bit” thousand years. But the knowledge in it is much older. The Biblical texts, especially the Torah, present again, knowledge that humanity has had since it began. The Torah text is the most sophisticated computer database we have.

Just because the Flood Story is “around” in several hundred cultures, does not mean that the Bible account was stolen from, copied from, or borrowed from, some ancient tale. The Flood, or some form of a planet wide Flood, happened. The Biblical account of it is very brief and cryptic about what led up to the “Flood”.

But what is in the “cryptic” account is fascinating: beings from space (fallen angels?) or ETs, cross breeding between humans and ETs etc. The legends of Greek Gods tell the same stories. The knowledge that is coded into those Biblical stories is worth studying, no matter how much the Sunday School versions have hidden or distorted.

Our world needs major change. There is suffering, theft, and violence happening, and it should be gone. Yes some of it is in the human soul. But it is way worse than it should be. What we are about is changing it for the better, through knowledge.

The quote goes:

“My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge”.