Mitzvah – Commandment

“My Kingdom Is Not Of This World”

The Hebrew word for Commandment (Mitzvah) has God’s Name “coded” within it. Or, more accurately, the firt two letters of the word for Commandment have the coding. The final two letters are identical in both God’s Name, and in the word Mitzvah. The “code” is what is known as “The Atbash Code”. Jesus hinted at it when He talked about the First being Last, and the Last being First. See below in this post for more details.

The “Transform”The

The “Transform” is in the two (Right hand end of each Word/Name) FIRST two letters:

Finding God In A Commandment

Mitzvah is the Hebrew word for commandment. The word has four letters.

If you are perceptive, you will see that two of the letters are part of God’s 4-Letter Name. The 4-Letter Name, also known as The Tetragrammaton, is one of the most sacred Divine Names in the Bible. When God introduced the Name to Moses, God said/wrote:

“This is My Name to HIDE/CONCEAL”.

The English translation says “This is My Name forever”. The translation is “valid”, in that the spelling of the word “to conceal” is almost the same as the word meaning “forever”. There is only a one letter difference between the two words.

Both translations are valid. But the single English translation does not pick up the extra nuances in the Hebrew text that God dictated to Moses. (And YES, God DID dictate the letters to Moses. )

The extra “nuance” in God’s spelling is that there is something so sacred in the word/Name, that it was not to be used or spoken casually. It was not to be taken into places, that were “unclean”.

Respect for Divine Names is the reason for the Jewish/Hebraic practice of disguising a Divine Name. Traces of this practice can be found in the Pacific/Polynesian cultures that came from the Middle East. In reference to where their ancestors came from, Polynesians such as the New Zealand Maori refer to a series of Havaiki’s. The first is the physical Hawaii in the northern Pacific. But there were other “Havaiki’s before the physical Hawaii that is now a US state. Some of those Havaiki’s go back to the Middle East, and then into higher dimensions.

Note that the Maoris normally call their “originS’ HAVAIKI rather than HAWAII. Hawaii is closer to the original Divine Name, the Name of God whom the Maoris believe they came from. So the Maoris “disguise” the Name by substituting a K sound into a Divine Name. Modern Jewish practice subsitutes a K sound into a Divine Name to switch ELOKIM for ELOHIM. ELOHIM is the Name used in the Genesis account of the 7 Day Genesis Week.

Biblical custom, as “suggested” by God, shows up in the traditions and practices of an indigenous culture !! That is no surprise if you know the links between some indigenous cultures and the God of The Bible. But it IS a surprise for those who have been taught that all “pagan” are “barbaric, primitive, of the devil etc.

Links between indigenous cultures, and both the Bible and modern science, is one of the themes we will publish articles on, here on this website. That does not imply, nor is it meant to imply, that indigenous cultures were wonderful, all jonquils and daisies. Cannibalism and human sacrifice were, and still are, “around”. Those practices brought terrible evil and suffering down on the populations who practise them.

Nor can we “condemn” indigenous cultures such as the Aztecs as being different from “modern civilisations” such as Europe or North America. Tens of millions of people were murdered in wars during the 20th Century. Most of the killing was done with high tech modern weapons, such as Missiles, tanks, bombers, machine guns, battleships and tanks.bSo which ethnic group or culture is entitled to “play holier than thou”?

One of God’s primary commands is “Do not murder!”.

Humanity did a lot of murdering over the past 200 years. Our “modern” world is still doing it, and still making profits from the killing. But lets get “back” to the Commandment.

The word Mitzvah, (Commandment) is spelled, in Hebrew),(Right to Left) with the letters Mem-Tsadhe-Vau-Heh. If you know the 4-Letter Name, you may be able to see that the final two letters are part of that name.

In the Book of Jeremiah, there is a reference to “Babel” (Babylon) and Sheshak in the same verse:

How Sheshak will be captured, the boast of the whole earth seized! How desolate Babylon will be among the nations!”

Babel (Babylon) – Spelling is Bet-Bet-Lamed (Right to Left)

Jeremiah 51:41

New International Version

Sheshak and Babel are “equivalent” via a code “cited” by Jesus of Nazareth, i.e. that “The Last shall be First, and the First shall be Last”. This code is known as the “Atbash Code”

Sheshak (Sheshac) Spelling is (Right to Left) Shin-Shin-Caph

According to this code, the Letter Mem is coded/transformed into the Letter Yod. Similarly, the Letter Tsadhe transforms into the Letter Heh.

So the word Mitzvah (Commandment) holds, coded within it, the Divine Four Letter Name. The Divine is at least “Half The Story” behind, or in the Commandments.

Study the letters (Psalm 119 in most Bibles will get you started), and yoy may recognise where the Name Hawaii came from.

The “lesson” is that (at least) sometimes, there can be way more hidden behind all those “Thou shalt . . . .” and “Thou shalt not . . . ” commands than we realise. Sometimes, doing those “commands” can open up our connection with the Divine, with the “All”. And we get “there” via what we do — implying that the Divine is already in us on some level or in some way.

The seven letters below are part of the reason the “Founding Fathers” of the United States of America chose July (the 7th Month) as the Month in which they declared their independence.

Each letter has a numerical value (a bit like the way we can use “Roman Numerals”).  So the seven letters have a total value. The values are connected with the physics and structure of the Universe.

Three of those seven letters describe the Matrix or Ether in which our universe sits. The concept of an Ether was “around” for millenia. But it lost popularity in the early 20th Century. It has made something of a comeback in recent years. The Bible in the form we know it has only been written down in the last 3400 years or so. But the knowledge that went into it is older than that. It came from a Divine source. That knowledge has always said that there is an 11 Dimensional Matrix Ether in which our Universe resides.

There IS plenty of conflict between “Science and Religion”. But that conflict is largely contrived and artificial. It has been contrived to keep people apart, to “divide and conquer”. But advanced science has lots in common with the Bible. And many other spiritual traditions also have links with Science and the Bible, partly because Abraham (The Biblical Patriarch) had input into several religious traditions. He (obviously) had aan input into Christianity, Islam and Judaism. But, his knowledge spread also into Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese and Japanese traditions, and into European “pagan” knowledge.

Research at CERN has identified almost all of the 248 “Fundamental Particles” that current theories predict as existing in our Universe. Remarkably, Abraham’s name is tied closely with the 248 Fundamental Particles, and with the creation of our Universe.

There is more, WAY MORE, to the Bible than most people know. A lot of what is in the Bible has a mathematical and scientific connection. Just as our modern technology is closely tied to mathematics and science, so is the Bible.

But our modern science went beyond “Newtonian” 4-Dimensional Physics about a century ago. Researchers (mainly German) discovered, from laboratory results, that experiments could be influenced by something mental and/or spiritual in the mind of those conducting the experiments.

Heisenberg’s “Uncertainty Principle” is a good introduction to the findings of those German scientists. (

The findings that went “into” the “Uncertainty Principle” indicate a link between “hard technology” and spiritual technology. Mastering that combination of higher dimensional Biblical “technology” and Space-Time 4-Dimensional Technology is what we study. In layman’s terms, that comes down to questions like: “How do I get my prayers to work?” “Why are prayers and spiritual efforts like Lotto – sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t?”

There IS spiritual technology in the Bible. Making it “work” is what we are about.