Excalibur, Camelot and The Grail


The 72 Triplets are the “Camelot” (i.e. the “Gamelot”, a term related to the name of the 3rd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, Gimel.

Joseph of Arimathea was the leader of a group of Christian refugees from persecution who found refuge in the Glastonbury area of south-west Britain. Many of them were close disciples of Jesus, including members of His extended family. Their scriptural knowledge and level of study was well above that of modern churches. They brought knowledge of the 72 Triplets into Britain. That knowledge was such a central part of their Christianity that they named their new society/kingdom after them, i.e. Camelot. Their knowledge was too advanced for the local population to understand. So the British “locals”, who admired the Camelot group, turned their teachings into legends. Druids who studied with the Camelot group, admired the teachings and became very advanced scholars. Their spiritual powers made them great magicians, i.e. good magicians, just as the three Magi (magicians) who came to Jesus when He was a baby, were.

Much of European Christianity came from the teachings of this group, as did the predictions and prophecies about Australia as a safe haven on the other side of the world.

The Mass was NOT a Vatican invention or creation, or something that evolved in the catacombs of Rome.

Camelot had the Mass. When Constantine launched the Vatican, the church he created used a Latin version of the same rituals. In other words, the Latin Rite version of Christianity was a pruned down version of what St Paul had already pruned down, and what the Vatican could run with. Paul was realistic about how much gentile converts could handle. So his “pruning” was not some nasty plot. It was just “practical” and realistic.

How much the authorities in Rome understood is open to debate. But it is clear that they were never at the advanced level of Camelot. Twelve hundred years after the start of the Vatican, Venetian Intelligence orchestrated the Reformation and the Counter Reformation. The Reformation further pruned European Christianity from its more advanced (Jesus level) origins in Israel-Palestine-Glastonbury-Camelot. Camelot and the Grail are part of the legends that have grown up around those early days of Christianity in Britain, of Moses’ Staff and Excalibur.

Moses splitting the Sea is part of those stories, as are five of the Triplets, or especially five of the Triplets in the graphic below.

Those 5 Triplets reference Jesus’ 42 generations at te start of Matthew’s Gospel.

The Real Story – The Sword Excalibur is Moses’ Staff, i.e. Adam’s Staff engraved by God, and given to humanity in Eden. Among the Names engraved on the Staff were the 72 Triplets.

Moses had “issues” with Water and Striking The Rock. God “locked Moses out” from the Promised Land because he struck the rock with his Staff when God had told him to speak to the rock.

God sure made His point ! We still talk about what happened more than 3,000 years later. God wanted Moses to demonstrate the power of words. And in a way, he got the message through to generation after generation of humanity. But after all he had put up with, Moses could hardly be blamed for what was probably his greatest “dummy spit”.

The Excalibur legends are based on Moses and the Staff. That is why there are TWO versions of the Excalibur story. One version has the Lady of the Lake producing the Sword from the water.

The other version has the Sword stuck in the Rock.

BOTH versions, Water and Rock, are allusions to Moses’ life including the events around his “greatest dummy spit” when he struck the rock with the Staff, and water came out. There were other incidents in his life that are connected but the Rock-Water-Sword (er Staff) is a good starting point.

Excalibur – from the Rock, or from the Water, or BOTH?

The Grail

The 56 Words that embody the 216 letters of the 72 Names/Triplets, are linked to the ring structure (7 Rings, 8 Arms) of Genesis 1:1, i,e, of the “One Verse” or Uni-Verse (Universe).

These 56 positions represent a portal from zero-point, or from highre dimensions into our world.

The diagram below is of Genesis 1:1. It is from Stan Tenen and his Meru Foundation website:

Electrons and Vortices

We tend to think of electrons as particles or waves in orbit around the nucleus of an atom. They might turn out to be some sort of 3-D or 4-D expression of something that is happening in a highre dimension. The diagram that Stan Tenen generated from the auto-correlations in the letters of Genesis 1:1 (above) may be just an expression of what happens in higher dimensions, projected into “our” world. The Genesis story is very clear, if you know what to look for, that it is about the creation of a 10 Dimensional universe. This is part of the reason we have Ten Commandments on Two Stone Blocks. We lost access to Five of those dimensions when we were thrown out of Eden. God let Adam take the Staff with him when “we” left Eden.

It was part of the way back to Eden, part of Jesus’ story.