Julian Assange scapes Death (Yet Again !)

Anne Hamilton Byrne Was A Sadistic Momster

All the kids had their hair dyed blond, to match hers. They looked like an Australian version of the “Von Trapp” family from “The Sound of Music”.

The Kiddy Torturer

She ran a cult, very much under the auspices of the State of Victori;s (Australia) Mental Health Services. Officially, she was supposed to be “just a Yoga teacher”. She had her deluded followers convinced that she was “Jesus reincarnated”.

Anne Hamilton Byrne Satan In Expensive Sun Glasses?

She knew she “had a licence” to get away with whatever she liked. Having children tortured was something she “got off on”

Julian Assange Was One Of Her Targets

Julian was (apparently briefly), one of the children in the cult. ALL the children in the cult, except for Julian nd his hlf brother, died young. They died mainly through drug oversoses nd suicides, i.e. from the after-effects of the torture, PTSD and health damage from Hamilton Byrne’s sadistic “Mind Control” program and experiment/testting.

Julian’s mother fled the cult, and managed to keep her two boys out of the hands of the cult who tried to track and snatch her sons.

Hilary Clinton Wanted to “Drone” The Ecuadorian Embassy in London

She was quite open about wanting a drone strike on London. She wanted him DEAD. She probablt still wants him dead. Presumably she and others, think that the WIKILEAKS copies of leaked emails was a big factor in her losing the 2016 Presidential Eletion to “The Donald”.

Julian Assannge Probably Would Have Died In A US Prison

He said it himself, after he was released and made it safely back to Australia — that those involved in getting him freed from the Maximum Security Prison he was in, in the UK, had saved his life. Up until he was freed, The USA had been determined to have him extradited from the UK, to be tried in the USA, and then made to vanish into the US Prison syste.

So, Was Wikileaks & The Coming 2024 Election Part of Julian’s Release?

The USA had apparently been hell-bent on putting Julian Assange in prison until he died, And then, suddenly, with “The Donald” way ahead in the polls, and apparently likely to win the 2024 Presidential Election, the USA agrees to free Julian Assange.

Was Julian freed as part of a “sweetheart deal” with Wikileaks, to keep damaging stuff about the Democrats, OFF the Internet.

They HATE Julian Assange. But they hate “The Donald” even more??

Wikileaks (Former?) HQ

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