Australia, 1996 and The “Mem Bet”

It is 1996 in Australia. Whose names have the initials “M B”? Why is he the most hated person in Australia?

Who told you that he was the one? Did you see him there with a gun? Yes, somebody got him there and got him into a building that was set on fire.

Martin Bryant – the patsy Chosen to Embody a Code for “M B”, the “Shem Mem Bet”

Martin Bryant – the VERY EVIL Howard Government’s “Good Luck Charm” against their being “found out” for the Porat Arthur Massacre.

But he did not die like he was supposed to. Australia’s Satanic Government, Satanic media and evil police forces covered it all up, the hideous, horrible trut that Australia’s governments were now occult, black magic fronts for very dark forces.

And the Australian public refused to see it. As long as they paid the mortgage they had a roof over their heads. On paper, their networth was going up. So they thought they were doing well.

But it came at a price. Now Australia is burning just as the evil government wanted M B to burn.

The “magic” of the Shem “Mem Bet” works. Australia’s government made that Divine Name, so interlocked with Genesis, with creation and with the structure of matter, work for evil. It was dumb, it was stupid and it was arrogant. There was going to be a backlsh — a backlash that would come faster in a good country such as Australia, than those evil idiots had expected.

Fires, Death, Floods, Dust Storms . . .

Now Australia is paying the terrible price.

And in Perth, the lies about the occult serial killings continue. The West Australian Police are doing what they have been ordered to do during the trial, i.e. to take the fall by pretending they were a bunch of incompetents.

They never were. The Macro Task Force was an elite police unit. They were ordered to fail to solve the ase.

Police & Judicial Corruption in Western Australia

Government lawyer Corryne Rayney asked too many of the “wrong kind of questions” about why the police had floundered for decades. Conveniently for someone, Corryne was murdered almost immediately after asking those “awkward questions”.

The WA Police tried every which way they could, to frame her husband, a prominent Perth lawyer, for her murder. Even with a judge specially “imported” from interstate for the trial, they police and prosecution team could not make their facical case “stick”.

The “conspiracy theory” version of the Port Arthur Massacre “has it” that a Tasmanian police officer did the shooting. It was NOT like that. The Tasmanian Police job was to “manage” things by making sure that local police were well away from Port Arthur. One police officer had the “special task” of “patsy management”, i.e. he was to control Martin Bryant’s movements that day and manoeuvre Martin into the building that was to be set on fire. Martin Bryant was meant to be burned to death, a “bonus” sacrifice to Moloch at the end of the massacre. It didn’t work out that way. But the PTB’s still made sure that there was no trial. Child-like (IQ of only 58) Martin Bryant was incarcerated for the rest of his life, without trial.

The SHOOTERS (NOT a SHOOTER ! – there were multiple shooters) were military. The connections to Perth are STRONG. The WA Police, like the Tasmanian Police, and the Victorian Police (who had had “the gun” prior to the massacre) are part of the plot. But the shooters, and the planner had strong Perth ties. The WA Police were “in on” the massacre. That adds another dimension to their extraordinary role in protecting the coven(s) involved in the Claremont serial killings, and in protecting the Charles Manson Cult’s Perth chapter.

The Port Arthur Massacre “went wrong” becaus the Perth planning did not factor in “Daylight Saving” in Tasmania. The planning did not allow for the change in timetables because Tasmania had reverted to “winter time”. In “sunny Perth” in 1995/96, there was no Daylight Saving or Sumer Time vs Winter Time. So the intended victims, a boatload of American tourists did not “arrive on time to be murdered”. So the victims were Australian.

Because of the “foul up” at Port Arthur, the “perth team” was only “bench warming” for the Bali Bombing. But it was known, well known ahead of time, in Perth.

The Australian Defence Department had detailed reports on the plans for both Sept 11th and the Bali Bombing in 1999. The WA Police knew what was coming, at least as far back as May 1998.

One of the horrors of the Port Arthur Massacre, perhaps the worst of so many horrors was the gunning down of a young mother and her two little girls. More than 20 years after the massacre, the perpetrators were still using their grieving father/husband as an advocate for gun control.

“THEY” did it, “they” murdered his family. And two decades later, “they” are still using him. Arrogance, evil incarnate – meet Australia’s government !

The Australian Federal Government, newly elected in 1996, and described by the Australian media as “HONEST”, did all this !! They relied on God’s “Name of 42”, God’s “M B” Name, to be the “good luck charm” that protected them. It did for a while, helped by a conniving evil Australian mainstream media. But the tetribution came. Sadly, so far, it has been the innocent who suffered.

The “M B” Name, God’s Name of 42

Martin Bryant

Murrah Building (Oklahoma City)

Boston Marathon



Black Magic . . . . . .

Anybody see a pattern here??