Australia Day 2020

The material covered in the previous few posts, about the occult murders, the political witchcraft, the Manson Cult operating in Australia, the NSW Police managing paedophile rings for pervert judges and politicians in Sydney, etc is ONLY the tip of the “iceberg”.

There is worse, much worse that is not included in the material posted on this website.

Today is 232 years since what some think of as the “First Australia Day” in Sydney Cove, 26th January 1788.

Australia is a special land.

Read back over the material about the Double Divine Name in the 35th verse of The Torah. Cross check that with the 35th layer of The Great Pyramid at Giza, the layer in which the stones are twice as thick, twice as high, as the surrounding layers.

Then look up the ancient Canaanite alphabet.

That Alphabet, in its basic “configuration”, had 22 Letters.

There were 7 Letters that had variant pronunciations. There were 6 more Letters that could be, and were written two ways.

That makes for 35 “total” Letters.

The Hearse was specially built to carry 22 bodies together, matching the 22 Major Arcana in a Tarot Deck.

The military snipers were given a kill quota of 35 dead.

It is the craziest of conspiracy theories to think that a retarded boy, IQ of 58, was able to have the Tasmanian Government have a Hearse specially constructed, PRIOR TO the Massacre, to carry 22 bodies together, as a unit.

This was MASS HUMAN SACRIFICE, carried out in accordance with ancient Canaanite ritual murder rites as the template. And the list of government agencies, state and federal, at least three states included is long.

Australia is a special land. It, the land itself, will not tolerate this sort of Satanic evil. So Australia is being slammed by nature itself. It is a terrible price to pay for the reflective refusal to see the obvious.

May future Australia Day’s come in happier times. Australia deserves better than the insanity of the past 24 years.