The 112th Triangular Number is related to the 112 Triplets, to major constants in Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, and to the start(s) of The Torah and of John’s Gospel. It is also related to the year of Moses’ birth and to the Greek New Testament Name for “Jesus Christ”.
Genesis 1:1 As The 73rd Triangular Number
The letters in Genesis 1:1 sum to 2701, which is the 73rd Triangular Number.
The Combination of John 1:1 and Genesis 1:1
Genesis 1:1 can be represented as a Triangle with 73 Rows, i.e. as the 73rd Triangular Number. (See the diagram above.) The start of John’s Gospel, verse John 1:1, forms a base of 39 rows that fits perfectly as a base for the 73 row Triangle of Genesis 1:1.
The “Triangle wit its new/extra base (rows) now has 112 rows (i.e. 73 + 39 = 112 rows).
The diagram below shows the 112 row Triangle, with (also) the 73 Row Triangle of Genesis split up into 4 smaller “component” Triangular numbers, i.e. 666, 666, 666, and 703.) (Triangular Numbers are significant to God, even if some people do not like the mathematics or the 666 “link”.)
The value of John 1:1, converting the Greek Letters to their numerical values, is 3627
The 112th Triangular Number
John 1:1’s numeric value (3627) forms a 39 row base for the 73 row Genesis 1:1 Triangle (value 2701).
2701 + 3627 = 6328
2701 = 37 * 73 (Genesis 1:1)
3627 = 39 * 93 (John 1:1)
6328 is a Transpose of 2368
2368 is the Year Moses was born. (The year is given according to the Hebrew Calendar.) Abraham was born in the year 1948 HC. So Abraham was born 420 years before Moses. That means Abraham was born 500 years before God met Moses on Mt Sinai. Remember that the second and 14th Triplets in the 42 Letter Name (which make up 14 of the 112 Triplets we looked at in earlier posts), have the valu(s 500.
Things “link together”. The 420 years between Moses’ and Abraham’s births is connected with Jesus’ 42 generations in Matthew’s Gospel.
There are MANY links between Jesus and the (Lower) 42 Letter Name. These include the two right hand columns, value 888, the same value as Jesus’ Name in Greek.
Jesus’ Hebrew Name is there (290 + 96 = 386) in the two central gates of the 42 Letter Name’s 4th and 7th rows. See (for a brief reference to Jesus’ Hebrew Name and the 42 Letter Name links) the page about Genesis on this website. The reference to Overhead and Centre in connection with Jesus’ Name and the 42 Letter Name, is a tie-in to prayer practice in which lines and gates from the 42 Letter Name are visualised “around us”.
Note that the “mathematical functions” in Jesus’ Name are the same as those for the Row Lengths in the Periodic Table.
The link given above refers to the links between Genesis 1:1 and the mathematical constant “pi”. John 1:1 has simila links to the Exponential Constant which is the base used for the “Natural” or Napierian Logarithm.
The combined Triangle of John 1:1 and Genesis 1:1 is closely tied to the Fine Structure Constant of modern Physics. That constant HAS TO BE accurate to over 50 decimal places. Any deviation in that accuracy and the Universe would either blow apart, or collapse.
All of this, basically most of Christianity and modern Science, is loaded into the 112 Triplets. Those 112 Triplets, in turn, are “pointed to” with the 112 alue of God’s two Names in verse 35 of the Torah.
The value of the New Testament Greek Names for Jesus Christ is 2368
God’s “Double Name”, value 26 + 86 = 112