No Guarantees BUT . . . .

Nobody can guarantee you that praying the 42 Letter Name will prevent you contracting the Corona Virus flu.

But in a world gone mad, the 42 Letter Name is a great start.

Just how mad?

“Moloch Madness”

Today in Rome, a atatue of Moloch, the Canaanite God of human an child sacrifice finally “went”. It had been on display at the entrance to the Colosseum since the end of Septembe 2019.

It was just there, supposedley for a historical display about that paedophile paradise, the Phoenecian-Canaanite city of Carthage. Sure it was there just for a bit of history . . . . . .

In the Middle East, Moloch was all about child sacrifile, paedophilia and other perversins. The Romans saw even more evil associated with Moloch. The Romans believed that the worship of Moloch cause plagues and epidemics.

ow does that grab you? In Italy, where COVID-19 is killing people by the thousands !!

Nothing to see here foks, just move along . . . . .

The (Lower) 42 Letter Name

Useful against the Satanic insanity of “leaders” who serve the Devil, who erect statues of a Canaanite god of child sacrifice in our modern world. The second line of the 42 Letter Name (above) is about Defeating and/or Cleaning Out Satan.