Cardinal Pell – “Justice Unjustly Done”

Pure and simple, Pell never did it. Either he, and/or the Vatican, made the decision to let him go up against what were blatantly false charges. The expectation was that he would easily beat the charges – and that the subsequent publicity would forever deter anybody else from running a case or a charge against him again.

He had faced a charge before. Right there in court, with the lawyers’ case against him given in so much detail, Pell’s passport was produced. His passport showed that he was not even in Australia when he was supposedly molesting or otherwise interfering with his “victim”.

That case should have stopped any further complaints against him, regardless of his guilt or innocence. But he is/was so hated that the media were very willing to “fly” anoter case against him. The case was fabricated – even if the one (only one!) victim/witness genuinely believed/imagined it had happened.

Pell was supposed to beat that charge EEASILY. But it all backfired/went pear-shaped. He was found guilty and gaoled, probably for long enough that he would die in prison. His first appeal was rejected, even though the dissenting judge pointed out that the only evidence against Pell was the testimony/claim of one person. The final appeal process was scheduled to last barely half an hour in court. That was when political pressure came in, and a “serious” appeal process started — which led, ultimately to a reversal of the original guily verdict.

That guilty verdict and prison sentence were an injustice of sorts. But a lot of Australian seem to think that “Teddy Bear Pell” should have gone to prison for the terrible things he had done to the victims of church sexual and sadistic abuse. So Pell’s prison term was seen by some, maybe by many, as a case of JUSTICE UNJUSTLY DONE, but Done At Last.

Discedited Journalist Trawling For Stories

The “Pell Case” begins with a story in “Rolling Stone” magazine. The story was written (“fabricated” ??) by a female journalist with a history of trawling for, and paying for, sensational stories.

She is now completely discredited. One of her stories, also published in Rolling Stone, was about a gang rape at a university fraternity house party. The story NEVER HAPPENED. Rolling Stone magazine had to pay out “squillions” in settlement claims because the journalist named the totally innocent “supposed or claimed rapists”. The girl who claimed she was raped was apparently paid by the journalist to make the claim/make up the story. In turn the magazine paid the journalist, something they now regret to the tune of several million dollars.

Before the truth about the fabricated rape at the “Frat House” came out, the same journalist wrote and peddled another story to Rolling Stone.

It was about two altar boys who were caught drinking altar wine after Sunday Mass – by a priest. He then, supposedly molested/sexually assaulted them. One was so traumatised that he later commited suicide. The one “survivor” (who was, like the girl in the rape at the Frat House story) paid by the journalist.

A priest went to gaol over that story. He was offered almost every ple-bargain deal that prosecutors, lawyers, judge, and during his sentence, prion officials could offer him. All he had to do ws to plead guilty to something minor, and they would let him out of prison.

He refused – on the grounds that he was NEVER going to plead guilty to something he never did. He died in prison, aged 89 to 90.

The story is IDENTICAL to what Cardinal Pell was accused of — except that the setting was in Australia, rather than in the USA. The altar wine, the suicide of the other victim, the Sunday Mass . . . . all the same. It was published in Rolling Stone years before Cardinal Pell was accused, and then found guilty on the word of the one surviving “victim” who likely read the story in Rolling Stone, or was told about it.

“Teddy Bear Pell” was framed. He was wrongly found guilty of something that never happened. The result, the end result was way bigger than Australia. It involves the Vatican, an Asian Moslem nation, the Chinese Communist party, and the Jesuits — both in Australia and around the Vatican. And it also involves major western powers who have protected their little minded evil flunkies in recent Australian Governments. The Jesuits and the Vatican are probably no more than pawns in a much bigger game. That game is in part, about COVID-19 and the “proverbial” Mark of The Beast.