Reading “666” in Greek (New Testament)

The Letter values used in the Greek New Testament are given in this post

this website.

The codes used for Hebrew Bible verse are given in the preceding posts, i.e. just before the post about “Greek Gematria values”.

European/English (Roman alphabet) codes, i.e. the ones used by the “Founding Fathers” of the USA on The Great Seal of The United States, are posted just after The Greek Codes.

(The “Gematria systems/codes” are a bit like “Roman Numerals, only they are simpler. The Letters are still used to represent Numbers, but the “codes” are not as complicated as “Roman Numerals”.

Writing 600 and 60, i.e. the number 660, in Greek is relatively simple, because modern Greek has letters that are used to represent both 600 and 60.

Representing “6” is a bit more complicated. Greek uses a letter, called “Digamma” to represent 6. Digamma means, basically, “Double 3” or “Twice 3”. The “snag” is that Digamma is now obselete. You don’t see it in the usual list of 24 Letters in the Greek Alphabet. But it is there in the New Testament texts from almost 2000 years ago.

The 666 Beast

In “Christian/Church think”, 666 is associated with one of the Beasts of Revelation. Thanks to a good dose of brain-washing, lots of people associate the 666 Beast with The Vatican and some form of a modern United Europe. That information is wrong.

A United Europe is not the 666 Beast. The European Union, or perhaps NATO, is part of the Larger Beast, the one with the Heads and the Horns. The “Heads” are the European Union/United Europe or however you want to describe it.

The Vatican, with all its Scarlet and Purple, is at least part of The Great Whore. Maybe it is the major part of it. But it is post Reformation “brainwashing” that has taught Protestants that the Vatican is the Beast. The Whore is organised religion, working with “The State”. The brainwashing is part of the same program that triggered the Revelation on behalf of Venetian (Phoenecian-Canaanite) Intelligence. They gave us the King James Bible and Shakespeare stories/plays about The Merchant of Venice, Othello and Romeo and Juliet. These stories came from the North of Italy, not from Britain.

Other people associate 666 with Aleister Crowley, who called himself 666. Even his own mother called him “The Beast”.

But “666” is very much part of the Bible. The Six Aleph’s of Genesis 1:1, the “One Verse” or “Uni Verse”, each have a value of 111. The Six times 111, the value of Aleph spelled out, have a value of 666.

The spelling out of the Aleph to 111 is linked to Jesus’ Parable of The Sower, and to The Christian Trinity — where 1 = 111.