112th Triangular Number, 112 Triplets

The 112th Triangular Number is 6328. The digits in 6328 are a permutation of 2368 which is the value of The New Testament (in Greek) Name for Jesus Christ. 2368 is also the year on the Hebrew Calendar (starting from Adam) in which Moses was born.

That year, 2368 HC is 420 years after 1948 HC, which is the year in which Abraham was born. That 420 year gap is a hint (once again !) at the 42 Letter Name which is such a big part of Genesis and creation.

It is also a pointer to “The Magic Cube of 42”, which the 112 Triplets “hang off”. The values of the 8 corners of that Magic Cube, 19, 8, 10, 6, 18, 22, 9 and 20, sum to 112.

The 112th Triangular Number can be “derived” from the numeri values of Genesis 1:1 (in Hebrew) and John 1:1 (in Greek). John 1: 1 forms a base of 39 rows below the 73 rows of Genesis 1:1. In turn the Genesis 1:1 triangle can be subdivided into 4 triangles, one of 703 (the 37th Triangular Number), and three of 666 (the 36th Triangular Number). This is one of several indications that there is more to 666 than just its negative connotations as “The Mark of The Beast”.

The 666 is part of Genesis. This means that idiots like the Manson Cult leader in Australia and Singapore, who named herself as “666”, are playing with forces, Divine Forces, that will destroy them – and do it painfully. You do NOT “stick it to God deliberately” and walk away unscathed. Especially if you use God as your pretext for torturing children to death. (cf the links about Political Witchcraft in Australia.)

The Genesis Triangle (2701) plus the John 1:1 “Base” (value 3627) form the 112th Triangular Number 6328. (Research findings from the work of Vernon Jenkins, but now well known in scholarly circles).

The union of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 evaluates the Mathematics and Physics “Constants”, “pi”, “e” (the Exponential Constant”, and what is called “The Fine Structure Constant” in Physics.

The 112 Triplets

The 112 Triplets are composed of the 72 Triplets, the 14 Triplets of the Lower 42 Letter Name, the 11 Triplets of the first 33 Letters/8 Words of the Torah/Bible, and 15 Triplets composed of the first 3 Letters of The Shema and the Upper 42 Letter Name. (The value of the rest of the first line of the Shema, matches that of the Upper 42 Letter Name. The Upper 42 Letter Name is derived from “expansionsions” of God’s 4 Letter Name — which is what the first line of The Shema is about.

The Magic Cube of 42

The Magic Cube of 42 is the 3 by 3 by 3 Cube (a bit like a Rubik’s Cube) composed of the 27 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (22 Letters plus 5 “Final Form” variants) designated by their ordianl values (i.e. 1 to 27). The central letter of the Cube is the 14th Letter (the mid point between 1 qnd 27). That 14th Letter is the Nun, the Fish.

Maybe that is why early Christians used the Fish as a symbol — because they understood a whole lot more than the “modern” Christians?

The Magic Cube of 42

The 112 Triplets “hang off” it.

Source: kabbalahsecrets.com

The Magic Cube of 42, laid out as a cross to show the 6 Faces of the Cube, using the Ordinal Values. The 14, the middle or central number or “little cube” if you picture a Rubik’s Cube is NOT visible – it is “hidden” at the Centre.

If you look at the “corners” or Vortices, you will see the numbers that add up to 112, i.e. the 19, 8, 10, 6, 18, 22, 9 and 20.

The Shema & The Upper 42 Letter Name

The first line of the Shema has the numeric value 1118. The first three letters have the values 300 40 and 70, which total 410. This leaves the rest of the verse (Deuteronomy 6:4) having the value 1118 – 410 = 708.

708 is the value of the Upper 42 Letter Name (26 72 and 610 for its three lines).

Deut 6:4, the first line of The Shema, value 1118

The Upper 42 Letter Name, the expansion (to 72) of God’s Sacred 4 Letter Name (value 26) to a third iteration (value 610). The total value of the three lines is the sum of 26, 72 and 610 which is 708.

So the first line of the Shema is read as “Shema” (value 410) plus the next 22 Letters as code for the Upper 42 Letter Name – i.e. the word Shema as a Triplet, plus 14 Triplets of the Upper 42 Letter Name to make up 15 Triplets. These are in turn linked to the 11 Triplets (value 3003) formed by the first 33 Letters of the Torah, to make up 11 plus 15 Triplets for a total of 26 Triplets, matching the value of God’s 4 Letter Name (10 5 6 and 5, total 26).

So we have a total value for those 26 Triplets of:

3003 + 1118 = 4121

OR (same value but split up a bit more)

3003 + 410 + 708 = 4121

The 72 Triplets and the Lower 42 Letter Name were definitely on the Staff that God engraved and gave to Adam back in Eden. It was God’s gift to humanity. God let Adam take the Staff with him when he and “his missus” were booted out of Eden.

Maybe the other 26 Triplets were also engraved on the Staff.

The Staff, at least with 86 Triplets, was passed down to Adam’s descendants. It was loaded onto the “ship” with Noah. Shem, Noah’s son passed it on to Abraham’s family. Jacob brought it to Egypt with him and gave it to Joseph. It eventually ended up with Moses who used it, all 130 Kg of it (around 300 lbs) like it was a walking stick. He used, mental and spiritually, what was engraved on the Staff just as easily as he used it physically. He used it to split the Sea – mentally/spiritually, by his focus on certain Triplets. bThere was Faith involved too. But it was Moses using the Triplets that split the Sea. Moses did it — rather than God doing it.

When God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden, He put two Cherubs as warriors to guard the way back.

When God told Moses to have a Tabernacle built, and the Ark of the Covenant to go in that Tabernacle, the design included the Holy of Holies, A CUBE.

The two “friendly Cherubs” on the lid of the Ark of the Covenant went into the Cube.

When Jesus died, the earthquake tore the curtain on the Holy of Holies – opening up The Cube. Jesus’ blood hit the lid of he Ark of the Covenant, which was not in the Holy of Holies. Instead, it was hidden below the rocks at Golgotha. The Earthquake split the ground/rock into which Jesus’ cross was “planted”.

That hole, i.e. the cross hole, is still there today, up behind the Arab Bus Station, a little north of the Old City walls. It is now buried under a lot of dirt, but the cross hole is still there. Jesus’ blood ran down the cross after the Roman soldier split Jesus’ heart and chest. That blood flowed on, through the small hole opened by the earthquake. It hit the lid of the Ark, between the Cherubs. Access to the Cube was opened up.

Jesus told his disciples to be in Jerusalem, i.e. stay in Jerusalem after He levitayed off the Mount of Olives. Why?

Because Jerusalem was where the Cube was, where the portal was opened, the portal through which the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaQodesh, the “enlightenment” would come.

When did that happen? PENTECOST, 50 days down the track, Shavaoth.

So waht is the value of that Letter Nun, the 14th Letter at the centre of the Magic Cube, that letter that depicts a Fish. The value is FIFTY.

The “Nun”, the 50, the Fish, is the letter closely associated with Binah, UNDERSTANDING, the Female Sephirah, the Left side or North side of the Tree.

So where was Jesus’ tomb? and Who was it who had faith in Him and that He had risen fro the Dead? It was the women, the VERBAL ones – yes, even God knows that women talk a lot. You only KNOW someting when you can put it into words. God set it up that way. The Devil “went for” Eve, and got her, with Words. God brought the repair back the same way – on the North side, i.e. on the Female side, with Words, with Understanding.

The 72 Triplets (above).

Wit the 14 Triplets of the Lower 42 Letter Name, we have 86 of the 112 Triplets. Those 86 Triplets are associated with the Divine Name Elohim (or “Elokim”).

The first time the two Divine Names, values 26 and 86, appear together, combined value 112, is in the 35th verse of the Torah/Bible. This is part of the reason that the gunmen (plural) who carried out the Port Arthur Massacre in Australia were given a “kill quota” of 35 “kills”.

(And people seriously wonder why Australia has been hit so hard with fires, floods, hail storms, dust storms, COVID-19 and economic disaster, all in a few months !)

Both Divine Names, combined value 112, together for the first time in verse 35 of The Torah/Bible. So the 35th layer of the Great Pyramid at Giza has stones that are “Double Height”. The Pyramid, or at least the knowledge in it, came from God.

The 77th Triangular Number

The first 33 Letters of the Torah, i.e. its first 8 words, the 11 Triplets we saw earlier, form the 77th Triangular Number.

Jesus has 77 generations in Luke’s Gospel

Splitting the 112 Triplets into 11 and 101, we realise that the 11 Triplets point to Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam and then to God. The 101 is the 26th Prime Number. As mentioned above, Yod is 10, Heh is 5, Vau is 6.

So Yod Heh Vau Heh has the value 10 5 6 5, i.e. 26.