The 10 Primordial Numbers, “The Nine” and The 42 Letter Name

The 10 Primordial Numbers have a total value of 1557.

These 10 Letters/Numbers existed BEFORE the “Primordial Aleph”, i.e. BEFORE Creation began.

The Aleph, Primordial and otherwise, is regarded as a composite letter, having 4 components: 2 Vaus and 2 Yods. These are NOT “human” interpretations. This splitting of the 27 Letters of Hebrew into 10 Primordial Letters and 17 Composite Letters, is evident in the number of Letters in the Torah, and in the census count of the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. All of that is a BIG topic. As an “intro” lookaus making up the central line of the Aleph from top left to bottom right.

Jesus and The 10 Primordial Letters

As usual with 10 “things” such as Letters or Numbers or Commandments, the “Ten Primordial Letters” are divided up into two halves, right and left.

The 5th and 6th Letters are NOT in numerical order. They have been swapped. The result of the swap is that the right five letters have the value 77, and the left five Letters have the value 1480.

77 represents Jesus’ 77 Generations in Luke’s Gospel and the first 33 Letters of the Torah, i.e. the first 6 words of the Torah. Those 33 Letters form 11 of the 112 Triplets. Their value, 3003 is the 77th Triangulr Number.

The 1480 is the value (Greek) of the word Christos.

The “Christ” in Jesus’ Greek New Testament Name has the value 1480, i.e. 40 times 37

The 77th Triangular Number, 3003 formed by the first 8 Words of the Bible-Torah. The graphic above and the research is from the work of Vernon Jenkins, a retired Welsh mathematician. (Google “What a Beginning” to find his site(s) and links).

The 33 Letters make up 11 of the 26 (11 + 15 = 26 the value of God’s 4 Letter Name) Triplets that with the 72 Triplets and 14 Triplets in the 42 (Lower 42) Letter Name, make up the 112 Triplets.

The 15 Triplets that with the 11 represented as the 77th Triangular Number (above graphic) add to 26 Triplets, are derived from the First Line-Verse of The Shema. That verse has the value 1118, which splits into the first word (Shema, value 410, and 708, which is the value of the Upper 42 Letter Name.

Upper 42 Letter Name

First line of The Shema

The “pointers” to Jesus as Moshiach/Messiah/Christ are strong — but “this stuff” is Judaic rather than Christian. The “mathematics” was set up when God gave The Toah to Moses and Israel. The Torah was DICTATED, letter by letter, number by number. The mathematics, like the letter, came from God.

The “Small Gematria” (Modulus 9 arithmetic) values of the Letters in the Lower 42 Letter Name, sum to 173.

“Keys” to The 42 Letter Name

1557 is 9 times 173.

The 173 “Keys” To The 42 Letter Name

The sum of 173 is seen as a representation of 173 “keys” to the 42 Letter Name