36 Righteous Men, The Shema & The 72 Triplets

The sverybody knew the verse. He was correct. Everybody DID know it — because they recited it twice a day, every day.econd line (“verse”?) recited in The Shema, is not part of the “Deuteronomy 6:4-11” verses. (Jesus famously quoted Deuteronomy 6:5 “Yoh shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart etc ” as if everybody knew it. They DID!

The “extra” line/verse, “slipped in” between Deuteronomy 6:4 and ^:5 is a Blessing.Transliterad into English it reads/sounds like:lish letters, it read or sounds like:

Baruk Shem Cavod Malcutho L’olam v’ad

The “Baruk” that is the Second Line of The Shema
“Blesssed Be The Name of His Glorious Kingdom Forever and Ever”

The first letters of the 6 words in the Baruk spell out the “message” that:

In Shecem There are 36

This message is an allusion to the tradition that the presence of a minimum of 36 “Righteous Men” in the world sustains the world and/or saves it from destruction. Those 36 Righteous Men are associated with Joseph, to whom Jacob gave Shecem as an “extra” inheritance for his much loved favourite son.

Remember that Jesus met the “woman at the well, the girl who had had 5 husbands and was now “on” #6 as a de facto or boyfriend” just outside Shecem (modern Nablus — PLO HQ uder Yasser Arafat).

Jesus conversation with that multiply married lady was, among other things, a commentary on Genesis 1:1 with its 6 Alephs, one of which “did not count” because they refer to Jesus who comes as Messiah – TWICE. Between those two comings of Jesus there is a son of Jo.seph, whose existence Christianity has tried every way possible to deny.

But let’s get back to the 72 Triplets.

The “Secret pathways of 888 start AFTER the 36th Triplet.

It is HIGHLY likely that the start of the Secret Pathways is positioned as a message – along the lines of a mission to “climb” spiritual heights that START where the level of the 36 Righteous Men leave off.

The Freemasons appear to have picked up this message by linking their 33rd Degree to Pathways starting just after the 36th Triplet, and building a Monument with a Pyramid on top.

As is usual with “Spiritual Technology”, there is probably “Physical” multi-dimensional technology built in b

ehind the “purely Spiritual”. Think “Tesla” and Advanced Physics.

Jesus’ conversation at the well was about “Mountains” — that was what the woman asked Him about – spiritual worship on Mt. Moriah (Jerusalem) vs “this mountain”.

There were/are two mountains in or at, Shecem. One was abundant, the other was barren. A mountain of Blessing and a Mountain of Cursing. This was where Joshua brought the 12 tribes to read the Blessings and the Curses.

Joshua and the Israelites “bent” Time and Space that day. They travelled impossible distances, and wrote the Torah on stone in 70 languages — and still made it back to Jericho in time for their eveing meal.

The last two words of the Baruk are a reference to Time (Forever & Ever). But in the Torah concept, Time and Space are one and the same. The Torah uses the word for universe (“O;am”) to refer to “Forever”.

Technology and mastery of advanced science are “lurking” in behind Geenesis 1:1 and secret pathways through the 72 Triplets. The Shema with its 248 words for 248 fundamental particles (think both CERN and Abraham) is part of the picture.

So is the E-8 Lie Group. So is Joseph. So is his descendant, the one whom western Christianity wants to “explain away” and deny.

E-8 Lie Group
248 Fundamental Particles in Modern Physics’
The E-8 Lie Group IS the Theoretical Model .
The Torah “Model” for the human body is “206 plus 42” = 248 structural components.
There are 248 “positive” commandments in the Torah. We are “models” of Time and Space – we mirror both God and the Universe. What we DO SPIRITUALLY (e.g. prayer and how we live) has an impact on our physical world and on our health, safety & prosperity