1260 Days and Bible Lifespans

The Book of Revelation refers to “1260 Days”. Some Commentators also see a reference to 1260 Days in the prophecies about 42 Months. The “calculated link” is 42 Months of 30 Days equals 1260 Days.

Western and Christian commentaries normally ignore the 42 Letter Name and the Magic Cube of 42 . Obviously, 3 times 42 is 126.

3 * 42 = 126

There is an obvious link between the 126 and 1260, and possibly between 126 and the Three axes of Rotation for The Magic Cube of 42.

Patriarchs’ Lifespans

For a “different angle” on the “1260 Days”, let us look at the Lifespans of the 26 “Patriarchs” from Adam to Moses. These are the Biblical “Lifespans”, rather than the “fudged” ones for Moses’ immediate ancestors as taught in Churches . The “Biblical ages/dates” line up with Paul’s teaching/words in his epistle, but NOT with the ages taught in Churches.

The Church “dates” go off track because the interpretation of the length of the Egyptian exile is wrong. The real dates (the ones Paul uses) are given below.

But firstm note that the sum of those 26 Lifespans is exactly 12,600 years as per the Spreadsheet shown above.

Remember that God’s Sacred 4 Letter Name has the value 26. The “link” is intended to tell us that these 26 Lifespans were Divinely orchestrated to come out to 12,600.

Note also that the lifespans which total 12,600 cover 2488 years. This is because Moses was born in the year 2368 HC and died 120 years later, i.e. in 2488.

So the “Overlap” in the ages is 12600 less 2488.

12600 – 2488 = 10112

That 112 looks/sounds like the same 112 Triplets that “orbit” the Magic Cube of 42 at the centre of the Creation Process

Length of The Egyptian Exile

Abraham was born in 1948 HC. This is one of the reasons 1948 AD was chosen as the year for the founding of modern Israel. The “Covenant Between The Parts” took place when Abraham was 70 years old, i.e. in 2018 HC. (Western scholars who think it happened when Abraham was 75 years of age or older, HAVE THE YEARS WRONG).

Moses was born 420 years after Abraham was, i.e. in 2368 HC. 2368 is the value of Ihsous Christos, i.e. Jesus Christ, in Greek. The 2368 is NOT a coincidence. Moses and Jesus have close links. So do Jesus and The Great Pyramid, and Moses.

Moses died in 2488 HC, 540 years after Abraham was born. The “Dimensions” of the Great Pyramid are 330 Cubits for the Base Length, and 210 Cubits for the height.

330 + 210 = 540
Pyramid Dimensions
54 Lights in The Grand Gallery 540 years 1948 to 2488

Joseph was born in 2198 HC (i.e. when his father Jacob was 90 years old. jacob was born in 2108 when his father Isaac, was 60 years old. Isaac was born in 2048 when Abraham was 100 years old).

Joseph died at age 110 in the year 2308 HC. So that means, Joseph died 360 years after Abraham was born.

2308 – 1948 = 360

But the “Lifespans” of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph sum to 612

175 + 180 + 147 + 110 = 612
612 represents “Covenant” (Brith)
612 Feet up the Centre (Apotherm) of the faces of the Great Pyramid

So the difference between the Lifespans and the “Elapse Years” is 612 less 360. This is 252 or twice 126.

252 = 2 * 126

The connections, Great Pyramid, Moses, Jesus, Abraham, 26 generations, God and 26, HAVE TO BE Intentional.

Jacob entered Egypt when he was 130 years of age, i.e. when Joseph was 40. (Joseph became Viceroy and married Asenath when he was 30 years old in 2228. Seven years of plenty followed. Jacob arrived in the 3rd “bad year, 10 years (7 plus 3) after Joseph became Viceroy of Egypt.

So Jacob entered Egypt in 2238.

jJcob’s “other name” is Israel. So “Israle” entered Egypt in 2238 and left 210 years later, in 2448, i.e. when Moses was 80.

2448 – 2238 = 210
210 years Egyptian Exile
210 Cubit Height Great Pyramid
(5775″ or 481.25 Feet)

Isaac was born in the year 2048 HC, 400 years before Israel left Egypt. This is the “400 years of exile” in a land that they did not (yet) own, for Abraham’s descendants.

The Covenant Between the parts had taken place when Abraham was 70 years old, 30 years before Isaac was born. This is the 430 Years of Exile quoted in Genesis. Christian commentaries try to “factor in” 400 or 430 years of Exile in Egypt. They the have to turn mental somersaults as they try to drage out Moses’ genealogy across 400 or 430 years.

Abraham DID visit Egypt. But Abraham was the 20th Generation from Adam, 10th after Noah etc. That makes Isaac the 21st Generation and Jacob, the 22nd. Levi is the 23rd Generation.

Moses is the 26th Generation. How the whatever does any idiot try to stretch Levi to his great garndson into hundreds and hundreds of years. You cannot do it! Moses’ mother is one of the “hidden miracles” in the Bible. She gave birth to Moses at a “great age”. When Moses was born, the house filled with light. If she did not know already, (and she slmost certainly did), she sure knew then that Moses was Special”.