126 Years – Adam and Noah

Adam died in the year 930 HC. Noah was born 126 years later, in the year 1056 HC.

As per the previous Post/Article, Noah went through some sort of “time portal” to emerge into the modern world about four and a half thousand years ago.

As the Genesis account says, Noah was “perfect in his generations”. In other words, he was the last pure bred human in “our” history/ancestry. His “missus”, and thus their three sons, were “hybrids”. That means all modern humans whose ancestry is from or on Earth, are hybrids.

The “gap” between when Noah and Adam were alive is 126 years.

126 = 3 * 42

There is a connection between the 42 Letter Name and the 126 (and the 1260 Days, and the 12,600 years).

Noah’s Ark

The Dimensions of Noah’s Ark were (are) 300 Cubits by 50 Cubits by 30 Cubits

300 * 50 * 30

Note that 300 + 50 gives us 350, a link to the 35th Layer of The Great Pyramid, the 35th verse of The Torah, and the 35th Chashmal Number, and the 35 Letters of the FULL Hebrew Alphabet.

As covered in previous articles on this site, these “links” connect to God’s 4-Letter Name and the 1820 times it occurs in the Torah, as part of the Divine Matrix that surrounds our Universe. That 1820 is the 35th Chashmal Number, connecting us to the “gap of 35” at the centre of the 42 Letter Name, and to the “Wedding Ring Letter”, Samech. So the 1820, i.e. the link to God outside of Time and Space, is connected to Marriage, to Jesus, and to the 42 Letter Name.

The 300 plus 30 gives us 330, an obvious link to the Base Length of The Great Pyramid (330 Cubits), to Triplet #60 (value 330), to the 33 Letters of the 11 Triplets that are part of the 112 Triplets. The 112 Triplets revolve around, or orbit, the Magic Cube of 42.

The 112 Triplets can be “divided” as 101 and 11

101 + 11 = 112

11 + 101 = 112

101 is the 26th Prime Number. (“God” again — in the 26 – the value of God’s 4 Letter Name is 26).

The Dimensions of the ARK, in Hebrew, spell out the 3 Letter Root/Stem of the word L-Sh-N, or Lashon, for Speech/Language. We can add the “Vowel” for “O” in Hebrew to spell the word Lason completely:

L-Sh-O-N, i.e. Lamed-Shin-Vau-Nun

The values of those Letters are 30 300 6 50., OR (if we read the Nun as a Final Form Sofit Letter) 30 300 6 700

Those two “spellings total

30 + 300 + 6 + 50 = 386


30 + 300 + 6 + 700 = 1036

Jesus’ Hebrew Name Yeshua has the value 386

The Shema has 1036 Letters.

The “message” is that there is WAY MORE to Noah’s Ark than just a wooden boat with animals eating wet grass and damp grain, and then farting frequently while Noah and family tried to sweep away the “stinky deposits” on the floor.

The story is about

Speech & Language Activating The Portals
Jesus as a Key – The “Speech”/Word
The Great Pyramid
The Magic Cube of 42
The 42 Letter Name
The Shema
Travel Through Space & Time
Human-Alien Cross-Breeds

Somehow, the 126, three times 42, is a significant connection between early man and our era.

The 6 Faces of The Magic Cube of 42 each have the value 126. The 8 corners of that Cube, where those 6 Faces “interlock” have the total value of 112.