The Cube

The Holy of Holies is a perfect Cube. The “Tabernacle” that Moses had built out in the desert had a Holy of Holies that was 10 Cubits by 10 Cubits by 10 Cubits. That means the volume was 1000 Cubic Cubits.

10 * 10 * 10 = 1000

The Temple that Solomon built “doubled” each of the dimensions of the Holy of Holies. So instead of 10 by 10 by 10 Cubits, Solomon’s Holy of Hoies was a Cube that was 20 by 20 by 20 Cubits. The volume of that Cube is 8000 Cubic Cubits.

20 * 20 * 20 = 8000

These sizes are related to both The Shema and to the (related) 72 Triplets

The Shema has 1036 Letters in it, including 12 occurrences of God’s 4 Letter Name. The opening verse of The Shema tells us that that Name, is “One”, Ehad. When we count the 12 * 4 Letters as 12 * 1 (Ehad),

Then the 1036 Letters of The Shema become 1000. This is the volume of Moses’ Holy of Hoies.

12 * 4 = 48
12 * 1 = 12
48 – 12 = 36

1036 – 36 = 1000

The Shema takes us inside Moses’ Holy of Holies – “Mathematically” At Least !

This is related to Jesus driving the demons out of two demon possessed men across the other side of the lake. The demons described themselves with a ROMAN NAME:

Those demons went into a herd of pigs. And about 2,000 pigs “made the decision” that they would rather die than have even a fraction of the demons that had been in those two men, in them. Smart pigs!

Ten points if you can guess why the demons linked themselves to the Roman Empire and the Roman Army!

The Shema is said twice daily, a thousand Letters each time. That is 2,000 Letters a day. Meet the connection with 2,000 pigs.

Remember that after that exorcism, Jesus headed back across the lake, and raised 12 year old Jairus’ daughter, and healed the woman who had been losing blood for 12 years. The “numbers” are about a Cube with its 12 Edges and its 6 Faces and a Centre. The “6 Faces” are

Jesus, “Mum”, “Dad” (Jairus = Light”, Peter James & John. The Daughter of Light is at the Centre of The Cube.

A Rubik’s Cube 27 Little Cubes in One Bigger Cube

27 Letters in the Full (5 Final Form Letters included) Hebrew Alphabet

The “Magic Cube of 42” consists of 27 Letters. The arrangement is different from Alphabetical order. The values are usually shown as Ordinal Values, rather than as the Standard “Gematria values”. But it is still a Cube of 27 Letters. It sits at the Heart of Creation, with The 112 Triplets “in orbit” around it.

Within the 72 Triplets, the Rows 2 to 9 comprise a BLOCK of exact value 8,000

This 8,000 is tied to The Holy of Holies in Solomon’s Temple, volume 8,000 Cubic Cubits.

Herod’s Temple had the same “8,000 volume” in the Holy of Holies/

The 72 Triplets, showing the 8 by 8 Block, exact value 8,000

When Jesus died, there was an Earthquake. The quake split the rock below His cross so that His Blood ran down and landed on the lid of The Ark of The Covenant, which was hidden in a cave below Golgotha. The quake also tore the veil on the Holy of Holies. That gave humanity access to Eden again.