Jesus & The Nearest Star

Our nearest star is 4.24 Light Years away. The value of the Term/Title “Mashiach Ben David” (Messiah Son of David) is 424.

The value of the word Meshiah (Mashiach) is 358. The value of the word Ben (Son) is 52. The value of David is 14.

358 + 52 + 14 = 424

In the Torah, there are 90,100 Yods, Hehs and Vaus. These re the component letters in God’s 4-Letter Name.

The sum of all the numbers from 1 to 424 is 90,100.

Is it just a coincidence that there is a link between the letters of God’s Name, the distance to the nearest star, and to the Messiah Son of David.

That does not prove that Jesus is the Messiah Son of David. But it adds a lot of depth to what people called Jesus in the Gospel accounts. People seeking healing called out to Jesus, calling Him “Son of David”. The implications in what the crowds were calling Jesus were huge. Maybe the rabbis and religious leaders in Jesus’ days did not know what the sistance was to the nearest star. But they did know the value of the term “Messiah Son of David. They knew the 424. It is likely that they knew about the number of Yods, Hehs and Vaus in the Torah. They almost certainly knew that the sum of the numbers from 1 to 424 matched the 90,100.

No wonder they were so desperate to kill Jesus. Just as Jesus said, their own scriptures, the letters Moses wrote down for them, “testified” about who He was/is.

The central little cube in The Magic Cube of 42 is 14. This is the value of David. The 14th Letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is the “Nun”, i.e. The Fish.

The Fish is the symbol used by early Christians. How many of them knew the links to David, and to The Magic Cube of 42?

The Camelot group of Joseph of Arimathea probably DID KNOW!
