The Great Pyramid was (almost certainly) NOT built as a weapon. But, well documented ancient literature says that it was used as a weapon. So that makes it likely that somebody figured out that it could be used as a weapon, and then did so.
What sort of a weapon was it? It appears to have been some sort of resonant “oscillator”, maybe the Earth’s “greatest ever” “Crystal Set”. It is described in ancient literature as part of a military compound, one that was used as a “planet buster”.
Much of the “resonance” variation and tuning was controlled from within The Grand Gallery.
In The Grand Gallery were 27 pairs of Lights. These are akin to and connected with, the 27 Letters of the ancient (Hebrew and other Semitic languages) alphabet. In a higher dimension, these are the 27 “ordinal numbers” of the Magic Cube of 42.
On Sept11th 2001, the falling buildings turned to dust in mid-air. That was a warning to the English speaking “banksters”:
“Pay back the loans you are planning to default on, or we will turn your cities into dust”
The “us” were the NAZIS, and their sons and grandsons. They had lent massive amounts of stolen NAZI loot to the Anglish speaking Banks/Banksters after World War II. The “Anglo-American” Banksters, being what they are, had no intention of ever paying back the loans. The NAZIs had other ideas and “infiltrated” the Sept 11 “scam”. The monsters who happily murdered 3,000 people as part of their scam, were suddenly confronted with NAZI super-weapons, but they could not say anything without admitting their part in the False Flag attacks. So the (our era) “Fourth Reich NAZIs” had them over the proverbial barrel, or perhaps over a CUBE, or maybe TWO CUBES.
The “rumours” have been circulating since the day of the attacks, that there was a barge on the water near the Twin Towers. On the Barge was a shipping container. INSIDE the Container were two large CUBES. But nobody knew why they were there, or what they did.
We are talking “ancient” advanced higher dimensional technology. Similar technology was in the Frequency Modulation devices (the Lights) in The Grand Gallery. Some clown had managed to find a way to turn them into a weapon too. The “clowns” used them to blow up TWO planets, not just one. The result is the Asteroid Belt. The research data says that the Asteroid Belt contains the remains of TWO PLANETS not just one planet.
ONE PLANET might disintegrate after a collission, or from some other natural “causes”. But TWO PLANETS blowing apart in the same area of the Solar System. That is SO UNLIKELY! Interplanetary war is WAY MORE LIKELY as the cause. And that is exactly what the ancient literature says.
It says that beings/people invaded the Earth and attacked the Giza military compound. They fought their way in there, and smashed and destroyed as much as they could, making sure that it could never be used as a weapon again. They tore the Lights out of the 54 Sockets in the walls of the Grand Gallery, and tore the Capstone off the top of The Pyramid.
27 Pairs = 54 Lights,
27 Lights on Each Side of The Grand Gallery,
2 CUBES of 27 on The Hudson River??
27 Letters — A 3 by 3 by 3 CUBE
The Magic Cube of 42 – 27 Mini Cubes
The Sum from 1 to 27 is 378 (Half the 756 Feet
of The Base Length of The Great Pyramid)
2 * 378 = 756
Base Length of The Great Pyramid is 756 Feet
(Exact Measurement 756 Feet 3 Inches)
TWO CUBES – 2 * 378 ??
The Great Pyramid
27 Pairs of Lights in The Grand Gallery
27 Hebrew Letters in The Alphabet