The Golden Ratio and “The Tree”

“Phi” The Golden Ratio

The “Golden Ratio” or “Golden Mean” (or “Divine proportion”) is what the difference between successive Fibonacci Numbers “converge to”. We usually “abbreviate” this ratio to the 3 decimal places number “1.618”

The equation above is from Wolfram Mathworld:

Weisstein, Eric W “Golden Ratio” . From Mathworld, a Wolfram Web Resource., \

The formula/evaluation below is from the same source:

The formula produces an “irrational number”, i.e. one that cannot be expressed as an exact or simple ration like 0.25 for a Quarter or 0.5 for a Half. Instead, the “value” of Phi is==has an infinite string of decimal places:

The Number, 1.618, occurs in the proportions of buildings and faces that humans find aesthetically pleasing. Good looking people often have this ration “built into” their faces.

The Hebrew (Biblical) word for “Tree”, as in “The Tree of Life”, is “Etz”. It is spelled with two Hebrew Letters, an yin and a Tsadhe.

These are the 16th and 18th Letters of The Hebrew Alphabet.

Hebrew Alphabet (Full 27 Letters) Middle Row 3rd from Right and last on right, Ayin and Tsadhe, Letters 16 and 18, spell Etz (Tree)

Going a little deeper:

The 27 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (used above to show the Ayin and Tsadhe, the 16th and 18th Letters) are a representation of a CUBE, a 3 by 3 by 3 Cube. The easiest way for us to visualise a 3 by 3 by 3 Cube is as a Rubik;s Cube. But, going deeper, The “Magic Cube of 42”, the Cube at the centre of God’s creation process, is also a 3 by 3 by 3 Cube.

The total value of the 27 “Little Cubes” within That Magic Cube of 42, is 378.

Take out the Cubes or Numbers, 16 and 18, and we are left with 344. The 14 is at the “Centre” of the 27 Cubes, and is not, in a sense, “visible” or “reachable”.

That leaves us with 330, the Base Length of The Great Pyramid (in Cubits), and the value of the 60th of the 72 Triplets, and of the 9th Triplet in the (Lower) 42 Letter Name.

Things “INTERCONNECT” between God’s Hyperspace, and “our” level.