Jesus said it, that the sign by which humanity would recognise His disciples was that they loved one another.
Yes, sure, there have been heaps of good people in churches. But what is the dominant feature of modern Christians, especially the “Happy Clappy Born Again “Brigade”?
They are KNOWN FOR being judgemental, ever ready to accuse. What is the Devil known for? Yes for many things. One of those “things” is for being “The Great Accuser”. Put that information with the recognised characteristic of modern “Cristians”, that they are heavily judgemental, and you have one obvious conclusion:
BThat most of them, and the movements that spawn them, are, literally, “of The Devil.
Go back 400 years or thereabouts. Depending on whose estimates you take, somewhere between a quarter and a third of Europe’s population were murdered in religious strife and wars. Yes tens of millions of people murdered by “Christians” “having a great time doing what they insanely believed was the WILL OF GOD.
All of that mass murder was orchestrated by Venetian Intelligence who controlled BOTH sides, Reformation and Counter-Reformation.
How different are we today? Where do our churches put their loyalty? To God? To Jesus? or to Governments and the Intelligence Agencies that control those governments?
Jimmy Saville, Epstein & Cardinal McGarrick2>
Jesus’ Rage
If our churches and denominations were “of God”, shouldn’t they be denouncing the activities of Saville and Epstein? Shouldn’t they be denouncing the government “connections”. A British judge has gone public with stories about British PM Ted Heath having boys delivered to his yacht by Jimmy Savile – and that when Heath had finished with the boys, their dead bodies were dumped at sea. Why aren’t “judgemental” Churchians “screaming about this? We are talking about a PM of the UK here !! But the Churchians are much faster to denounce the ones they want to denounce, than the ones flying “Lolita Airlines” or getting orphan boys delivered to their yacht.
Regaz – Burning Rage
The modern world and/or the hypocritical judgemental modern churches. Is it any wonder that Jesus named His closest friend and adopted brother as “Son of Rage”
And McGarrick? What’s the difference between religious perverts and political, entertainment and business perverts?
The Great Whore of the Apocalypse is the religious system, the religious perverts and hypocrites.
The Great Whore rides on the back of the world’s wicked system.
That is why the churches attack each other, but do not speak out against the monstrous Beast they ride on.
Those two systems, Beast and Whore, work together because they are both of the same spirit, they are both “of the Devil”.