Pascal’s Triangle & “Torah Numbers”

The Binomial Expansion, Satistics & Mathematics

Mathemaicians, and Statisticians who use “it” a lot, know “it” as The Binomial Theorem. Here it is in all its mathematical “fancy” symbolism:

(Source for the graphic: )

The equation is easier to understand if we look at a couple of examples:

(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

When we multiply that result by (a + b), we have:

(a + b)3 = (a + b)(a2 + 2ab + b2)
= a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

If we look at the “prefixe” before each term in the results, we see a progression, or “expansion:

1 1 for (a + b)
1 2 1 for the a2 + 2ab + b2
and 1 3 3 1 for the
a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

Without the full equations “in there”, and adding in the “top line” or starting point of “1”, we can see the expansion as:

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1

The “pattern” is to “add” the terms in the line above, so as to generate the terms in the next (new) line:

So the next line will be :

1 4 6 4 1

This expansion, known as The Binomial Expansion, generates what we call Pascal’s Triangle. The numbers in the Triangle occur regularly in The Torah. In other words, God uses them.

The First 33 Letters of The Torah

The graphic below, shows the first 8 words (33 letters) of The Torah. They form 11 of the 112 Triplets, i.e. they are an important part of the Creation process. Their total value is 3003 for the 33 letters, as shown in the graphic.

Now look at the next graphic, showing Pascal’s Triangle (17 Rows of it, anyway). There is the 3003, and a whole lot more. That 3003, the value of the first 8 words, or first 33 letters of The Torah, form 11 of the 26 Triplets, which, in turn, are part of the 112 Triplets that orbit around God’s Magic Cube of 42. That Cube is at the centre of God’s creation. The 112 Triplets, “manifest as” the 112th Triangular Number, are the fusion of Genesis and The Gospel, the fusion of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. everal fundamental and major mathematical constants are built into the fusion of those two verses, accurate to several decimal places.

These constants determine the curvature of Space, and control the balance between the forces that would either colllapse the whole universe, or blow it apart.



The Aleph is the Bull. It is also three sounds, from three different areas, throat, then mouth, then lips. This is the “inner to outer” expression of what is in us, and in God. We express it through speech, through the beginning of the Alphabet, i.e. the Aleph.

The 9 Alep’s are a pointer to the “Mod 9 Arithmetic” that generates the 18 Digit repeating pattern in the Fibonnaci Series. This sequence is closely tied to the structure and Gematria of the Torah. The “111” represents The Trinity. 1 (Aleph) becomes 111 (Aleph spelled out).

111 represents the Three Dimensional Cube that is at the heart of creation. It also represents the division by 3 that is part of the “MOD 9” calculation around that “Phi based” 18 Digit repeating sequence of digits (covered in posts on this website).

This is Jesus’ “Parable of The Sower”. It is as simple as “one plus one”, which is how the Triangle in the Graphic below, “begins”.

Pascal’s Triangle Graphic

You can see the 3003, sitting there in the Pascal Triangle. There are several other “Torah Numbers” in there:

  • 286 is the value of the first four of The 72 Triplets, i.e. half of the Top Row of the 72 Triplets. Its difference from the other half of the Row (857) is 571, the vale of Mashiach Ben Yoseph, the “Messiah Son of Joseph”.
  • 35 and 21 have many “manifestations” in The Torah, including the numbers of words in the three verses that “generate” the 72 Triplets. Those 56 words (35 + 21) are spread across the three verses as 15, 20 and 21 words. 35 is obviously linked to the 35th verse of The Torah, to the (linked) 35th layer of The Great Pyramid, and to the 35th Chashmal Number (1820)
  • 1820 is one of the numbers in the Triangle (above). It occurs “twice over” in the Census Counts and in the names of 6 of the Tribes, during the Israelites’ 40 years in the desert.
  • The 21 i obviously tied to God’s Name at the Burning Bush (21 501 21) and to Ehyeh as well as to the 42 Letter Name
  • 462 is connected with The meaning of the name Israel (There are 231), with the 231 Gates, and with the Sepher Yestzireh. Abrahams’s mystical paths have a name. The value of that name, “Nativ” is 462
  • 924, one of the numbers in the above Triangle, is double 462. The value of the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet is 1495. Multiplying “Phi” (The Golden Ratio, which is 0.618 by 1495, “splits the Alphabet into 924, and 571 (“Messiah Son of Joseph”)
  • 715 is the 22nd Chasmal Number (484 + 231, i.e. 222 and the Sum of the Nos 1 – 21)
  • 55 is one of The Bell Prime Indices which are closely connected with The Shema.
  • 55 is also “two Cubits of 27.5”, the Cubits used in The Great Pyramid and in Ezekiel’s Temple. The 27.5 is the distance from shore where Jesus walked on the water, and then “teleported” the Apostles to shore.
  • 66 is the number of Bokks in the “standard” western Bible (Protestant version)
  • 45 is the value of Adam
  • The Prime Factors of The Universal Harmonic Constant “1273” has two Prime Factors, 19 and 67. 19 is the value of Eve’s name, i.e. her “name after the fall”. 67 is the value of Binah, i.e. the “primary” Female Sephirah. This combination of “Understanding”, the Primary and highest Female emanation of energy, the “proverbial” 8th Dimension above our world, “home” of the Magic Cube of 42, and of the E-8 Lie Group, indicates how important this constant of “1273” is. The E-8 Lie Group is the model for the structure of matter, for the 248 sub-atomic Fundamental Particles. And here, via the Prime Numbers, it is being linked with Eve’s fallen nature after her involvement with The Satan. THE VALUES OF THE FIRST LETTERS OF THE 112 TRIPLETS THAT “ORBIT” GOD’S MAGIC CUBE OF 42, IS USUALLY SUMMED TO, OR AS 5115. THIS 5115 IS MADE UP OF 1273 FOR THE 26 TRIPLETS, 2672 FOR THE FIRST LETTERS OF THE 72 TRIPLETS, PLUS A COUNT OF 1170 FOR THE FIRST LETTERS OF THE 14 TRIPLETS OF THE LOWER 42 LETTER NAME. THAT ‘COUNT” IS REALLY 1060, THE SUM OF 471 AND 589, I.E. COLUMNS 1 AND 4 of the 42 Letter Name. The “fiddle” is the 110 years of Joseph’s lifespan. Moses had Joseph’s bones at his feet when he split The Sea. Somehow, Joseph’s period on Earth is critical to the forces of nature and of the universe, the forces that Moes was “bendng” when he split The Sea. With the addition of Joseph’s 110 (his lifespan in years), the total for the First Letters of the 86 Triplets (14 plus 72 Triplets) is “inflated to 3842, matching the value of the first 42 Letters of The Torah. Together 1273 plus 3842 sum to 5115, exactly 2100 less than the value, 7215, of the notice Pilate put up on the Billboard above Jesus’ cross. The 2100 is not a coincidence. But for now, let’s stick with that 5115 total. Without the addition of “Joseph’s 110”, that total for the first letters of the 112 Triplets, Universal Harmonic of 1273 included, is 5115 less 110, i.e. 5005. So, no surprise, there is 5005, up there in Pascal’s Triangle.
  • 680, the value of the name of the Euphrates River in Genesis, is in Pascal’s Triangle. Genesis, Eden, Pilate and Jesus’ execution, all there, “coded” into “standard” and basic, mathematics and statistics. And all that is tied in with Eve’s entanglement with The Satan, as well as The Triplets engraved on Adam’s Staff — which Moses later used to bend time and space to split The Sea.
  • 126 is the value of the numbers on each face of God’s Magic Cube of 42
  • 28 is the number of Letters in Genesis 1:1, the “One Verse” or “Uni-Verse” as we know it.
  • 70 is the 7th Chashmal Number (49 + 21, the Square of 7 with the 6th Triangular Number)
  • 120 is the difference (330 less 210) between The Base Length and Height of The Great Pyramid. Those 120 Cubits equal 3300 inches.
  • 165, besides being half the Base Length of The Great Pyramid, is the value of the name of Solomon’s only “named” (in the Bible) wife, Naamah. There were 699 other wives, with 699 being 3 times 233, which is the value in Genesis, of The Tree of Life. With the addition of 300 for Solomon’s 300 concubines, the 699 becomes 999, a number that is linked to the fusion of Genesis 1:1 and what Pilate wrote. The numerical values of those 28 and 46 letters, sum to 2701 +n7215, which is 9916. Add in 74b for 74 Letters, and what do we have? Ten times the “999”

The 231 Gates
(Two Letter Rots of The Hebrew Language)

Base Length of The Great Pyramid is 330 Cubits
Height is 210 Cubits
BOTH figures are in Pascal’s Triangle

2nd Line of The Shema
The First Letters spell out “In Shechem, There Are 36”

3003 The 77th Triangular Number

Pilate’s Billboard Notice – The Greek Part totals 7215