72 Triplets In Blocks of 9 — Part XVII — The 247 & 287 Chashmal Nos “Between” Jesus & The Base of The Great Pyramid


Pyramid shapes, according to current research, interact with energy fields. Basically, tall skinny pyramids work like beacons transmitting energy, while short “fat ones” are better at receiving or collecting energy. Pyramids apparently have an effect on sub-atomic structure, but our (modern era) researchers are still trying to figure out the what, how and why of something that was known in the past.

Getting back to the shapes (“tall & skinny” like an obelisk vs “short and fat” pyramids), the Great Pyramid at Giza is apparently “right in the middle” of the range of potential shapes. It can function as both an energy radiator/source, and as an energy collector/receiver.

That Great Pyramid is closely connected with Jesus. He and a lot of significant “Bible mathematics” are written into, or built into, The Great Pyramid.

The same “mathematics” is in the Letters that God engraved on the Staff He gave Adam. That is the same Staff that Moses used. It weighed about 300 lbs (approximately 140 Kg), yet Moses used it like a walking stick. Pharoh’s daughter knew Moses was special when she found him as a baby. His mother realised ittoo – as soon as he was born. The “oral tradition” says the whole house filled with light when he was born.

The 72 Triplets (part of what was (still is/are) engraved on the Staff, were arranged in 8 Columns and 9 Rows. In this series of articles, we look at the same 72 Triplets arranged in Rows and 9 Columns. As we have seen, this arrangement :pops out” some interesting patterns and mathematics.

The 72 Triplets in 9 Columns

Sitting at the top of the Central Column is the vale of Moses’ name, the 345 that “reflects” God’s Name at the Burning Bush (value 543). That is the name I sent you the graphic & commentary on, “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh”, “I will be who/what I will be” usually rendered in English as “I am that I am”.

To the left of Moses’ 345, as written by God, the next 4 Triplets have the value 534, is the sum of the 13th and 14th “Chashmal Numbers”.

A “Chashmal Number” is basically, a Square with aTriangle attached to it. The size of the Square (and the attached Triangle) give different numbers in a Series of numbers, that we call either the “Chashmal Series”, or simply “Chashmal Numbers”.

The 13th Chashmal Number
is 247

The 14th Chashmal Number
is 287

Jesus’ Name (in Hebrew) is the sum of the 11th and 12th Numbers in the same series. The 12th and 15th Numbers give the dimensions of The Great Pyramid at Giza, accurate to the inch. The 13th and 14th Numbers in the same series, sit (obviously) between the 12th and 15th Numbers.

Trinidad has the same value as the 13th Number. Remember that according to the Bible, 13 is NOT unlucky. It is close to God.

The 14th Number in the Chashmal Series is 287. This number is closely tied to the 28 Letters and 7 Words of the first verse of the Bible. Switching to “mixed Latin & English”, UNUS in Latin is “One” in Latin. The word has a “declension, same as most Latin words. That means that the ending changes depending on the “case”, subject, object etc. UNI is one of the “cases” for “ONE-UNUS”.

Uni-Verse” (the mixed Latin & English) is where we get our word “Universe” from. It is about the first verse of the Bible, which is a computer code used in the creation of the universe. In other words, that verse is more than a description. It (in Hebrew) was God’s computer code to “do” the creating.

This is part of why the “287” is important, sitting “in there” with Jesus’ Name, and the “Matter and Energy Manipulating” Pyramid that is so tied to Jesus.

Genesis 1:1
28 Letters 7 W

British Intelligence has been “around” for over 400 years. They are anything but stupid ! Ian Fleming (author of the James Bond books was part of British Intelligence. The stories are fictional, but “007” was real. They got the 7 from the 7 words of Genesis 1:1.

We hear that:

There is power in the Name of Jesus” or

There is power in the Name of The Lord”.

So which name, or whose name, is coded “in there” with Jesus, The Great Pyramid and the Creation of The Universe, alongside Moses?? It is Trinidad.

In the spreadsheet (above) 287 occurs twice more, i.e. as well as being built into the 534 in the top row. The 481 Feet (the height of The Great Pyramid) is in there. So is 625, which is (literally) the Square Root of the 390,625 verses, words and letters that God put in the “Torah”, i.e. the Five Books of Moses. The 1024 is the number of Bytes in a Kilobyte, and the number of vertices or “corners” in a 10 Dimensional universe.

The “numbers” were chosen, by God, very intentionally.

Add the numbers in the top two rows:

534 + 345 + 286 + 457 + 47 + 199
Total is 1868

Now look at the total for the Left Column. It is 4534. That means that the 7 “sub totals” (4 Triplets each) sum to exactly 4000.

This looks like God’s way of emphasising that the 534 is special.

Those 7 sub-totals are comprised of 28 Triplets. Once again, God is pointing at the “Genesis” and Pyramid 287.