Genesis 2: 21-25 Hebrew Text
The Hebrew text of the last 5 verses of Genesis Chapter 2 is shown below:

Genesis 2:21 Has 13 Words
56 Letters, with Verse value 4236.

Verse 2:22
Like the verse that precedes it, Genesis 2:22 also has 13 words in it.

Genesis 2:22 (13 Words) Above
with 46 Letters & a Total Verse Value of 1996
God and Faith
This means that the two verses have a total of
102 Letters, 26 Words
26 is the Value of God’s 4 Letter Name
102 is the Value of Amonah, the Hebrew word for Faith (source of the word Amen.)
God has “worked” both FAITH and God’s Sacred 4-Letter Name into the description of taking one SIDE of humanity and Buiding that SIDE (NOT a RIB!!) into WOMAN. Yes, WOMAN was meant to be sacred!. And, Sacred Feminine” was meant to be Godly and Full of FAITH.
Now look at the difference between the values of the two verses (Genesis 2 21-22) describing the “START” of WOMAN and “Sacred Feminity”.
4236 – 1996 = 2240
This is a multiple of 112, the “KEY VALUE” in the 112 Camelot, in the 112th Triangular Number (6328) that is the Fusion of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1, the Transpose in the Digits of the value of “Jesus Christ” (in the Greek New Testament” and in the year of Moses’ birth (2368 HC), IN THE 35TH VERSE OF THE BIBLE, AND IN THE 35TH LAYER (THE “DOUBLE THICKNESS LAYER” of The Great Pyramid of Giza.
2368 —> 6328
This is “Camelot”, the fusion of The Fine Structure Constant, “Pi”, The Exponential Constant (Euler’s Constant, and “i” (Square Root of Minus 1) that is in the mathematics of so many of our electrical circuits . . . .

God’s Double Name, value 112, built into the structure of the Divine 11-Dimensional Matrix that holds our 10-Dimensional Universe — and God built all this into the description of the “Launch of WOMAN.
And the idiots say that God and the Bible do not like women . . . .

God connected the structure of The Universe to “Woman”
BUT, God wanted Women who
were GOOD and SMART
The significance of the 55 and 56 verse “counts was something we discussed in the previous post about The Creation, Forming & Making of Chaiyah-Eve.
Part of the material from that post is reproduced here – with some additional material about the links to The Holy Grail and modern Physics (Higher Dimensions, Extra Dimensions).
The Genesis account of the Creation, Forming and Making of everything including Man, comprises 55 verses, if we “stop the count” at verse 2:24. That verse is the end of Adam’s spoken words upon first seeing Chaiyah (Eve to be). Verse 2:25 is a description of the “end result”. We can make a good argument for stopping “the count” at either verse 2:24, or verse 2:25. BOTH counts, 55 verses OR 56 verses are significant..
55 is Double 27.5, as in the Sacred and “Secret” Cubit of 27.5″ used in both The Great Pyramid, and in Ezekiel’s Future Temple.
This Auto-Correlation pattern was discovered by Stan Tenen. “his” pattern has 7 Rings, 8 positions in each. It jives with patterns derived from it, in both India and China.
Stan’s “genius”, and genius is the right word, has a perfect 6 and 1 “Week-Sabbath” arrangement. It is related to the 72 Triplets and to the 336 Letters of the 112 Triplets. It is closely related to the Christian Trinity and to the Holy Grail. Stan as an orthodox Jew obviously does not go as far as the Christian Trinity. But he does match his findings, quite accurately, to patterns used in several religious traditions.
One of Stan’s MAJOR breakthroughs is that he unlocked “mysteries” in Abraham’s Sepher Yetzireh. He matched Trinary Number “positions” in a 27 Letter Cube with Abraham’s words, something that had eluded other scholars for almost 4,000 years.
That Cube is not the Magic Cube of 42, but it is related to it. Both Cubes are related to what we call Cubic Christianity on this website. Jesus’ miracles, or some of them at least, have close links to A Cube – as does The Holy of Holies in The Temple(s).

Stan Tenen’s Trinary Number System Auto-Correlation
Pattern in Genesis 1:1
56 Positions on 7 Rings
Stan’s (er, God’s) spiral rings pattern is related to the Holy Grail and Zero Point Energy. God deliberately built “all that” into the creation, forming and making of Humanity.

The Holy Grail perhaps?
The Genesis 1:1 Spirals form the shape of a Chalice
from its Rim to its Narrow Base/Grip
the shape of a Vortex between Different Dimensions
Related Verses
Out of the 55 verses, certain of them are especially related to Man/Humanity, or “Adam and Eve”. These verses are:
- Genesis 1: vv 26 – 30, which cover God’s “saying or statement “Let us . . . “, followed by the Creation of Humanity (verse 27), God’s Blessing, and another “God said” in verse 28, followed by another ‘God said” across Verses 29 and 30. This means that THREE of God’s Sayings (if we include Verse 28 as one of God’s Ten Sayings in the Genesis Week) are related to Humanity. They came “packaged with a Blessing, between one of Three occurences of the expression “God made”, and One of the 7 occurrences of the expression “God saw”.
The value of the Hebrew verbs “And made”, then “and saw” are 217 and 386, summing to 703, which is the 37th Triangular Number. The Triangular Number is the “central” Triangle in the Genesis “Universe” (One Verse” Triangle that is Genesis 1:1. That “703” is the value of “And the Earth” in that verse. In other words, Humanity is, yet again, at the heart of creation, at “the centre of the Universe” in many ways.
The value 386 (and made) is the same as the value of Jesus’ Hebrew Name. Once again, Humanity is VERY important, linked to Jesus, and is also what God was working on just prior to seeing that everything He had made, was “VERY GOOD”.

- The 2701 total value of which the 703 Triangle / value is part, is the value of Genesis 1:1. We can justifiably add that first verse of the Torah to our list of verses that are especially related to the Creation, Forming, and Making, of Humanity. (Check the pages/posts under the Categories listed with Eve or Chaiyah).
- The expression “And God Made” is expressed in Hebrew as “And Made God”. “And Made” is one word in Hebrew. That word has the same letters (in a different order) and the same value, as Jesus’ Hebrew Name, Yeshua. The word, i.e. the Hebrew word for “And made”, is “famous” in India as the title of the Indian sage who compiled The Vedic scriptures, Veda VaYasas”.
- BOTH words, & Vayasa, are Hebrew words, transliterated into Sanskrit. This does not mean that “Jesus got it all from India” or that the Vedas came from Israel. But it does reflect millenia of scholarly exchanges and discussion of spiritual knowledge.

- The expression “And God made” occurs three times in Genesis Chapter One, i.e. in the Genesis Week. This is related to the THREE Stumps at either end of a Cricket Pitch. Cricket is ancient! It is a Creation “Play” based on the Genesis Week.The 22 yards down the Cricket Pitch are 45 Cubits of 17.6″. The value of the word ADAM in Hebrew, i.e. in Genesis, is 45.

- Genesis 1: 27 (Creation ex Nihilo) especially, since it describes creation “in the image of God” and “Male and Female”
GENISIS 2:7 (WHERE GOD FORMED MAN FROM THE DUST O THE EARTH), AND BREATHED LIFE INTO MAN’ s NOSTRILS). This is connected with Jesus breathing on His Disciples when He told them to receive the Holy Spirit — i.e. this verse has EXTRA significance for Christianity, not just for the original creation of Humanity.
We can justify including the 7 verses (nos 8 – 14) about the Garden of Eden (just bafter Genesis 2:7) because they describe what was Humanity’s original/intended environment
Verse 15 is about God putting Man in the Garden (in Eden), followed by the Commands about what to eat (v.16) and then (v.17) the Warning/command (spelling out the mortal consequences) re Not Eating from The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Verses 18 – 20 give God’s rationale for making Eve, and “divert” a little to indicate that Man was unique among other species on Earth, and then drops a massive hint about the way in which man is unique. The animals were brought to Man, for Man to SEE. In other words, for Man to apply His-Her Consciousness to. The resultant “Name” which the Man called TO the animal was what described it. The implication is that Humanity had the power of Genetic Manipulation, i.e. DNA “tinkering” built into a combo of human consciousness and speech. This is the same sort of process (the application of consciousness) to create the universe which is described at the start of Genesis. In this case, Man is doing it to living creatures. Back in Genesis 1:1 God was doing it to an undifferentiated field to create a universe. Just who is wielding the greater creative power here?
Obviously, God set this up, so we can justify attributing the greater power to God. BUT, what God has Man doing is in a sense, just as advanced, maybe more so than what God did. God set Man up to do AMAZING things!
After verses 18-20, come the Forming and Making of Chaiyah (Eve), spread across four remarkable verses.
One verse later, the Serpent shows up, and the whole disaster gets underway.
The verses covering Eve’s conversation with the Nahash (Serpent-Reptilian-DRACO) are relevant/related, as is her response to God’s question, and her later “mouthing off” about her status being above God’s when she gave birth to Cain. The English translation does not bring out that angle to what she said, but her Hebrew words (she spoke Hebrew to God) make it very clear just who she thought was “running the show” — she seriously believed she was!
Genesis Chapter 2 English NKJV (from Biblehub)

Genesis 2: 22 Gematria In Detail

Genesis 2:22
42 and 95 sum to 137, a number so closely tied to The Fine Structure Constant and to Abraham and Isaac on Mt. Moriah. Abraham was 137 years old at the Akeidah. Isaac was 37. The numbers built into the account of Chaiyah’s beginnings may be “intentional”. God may well have bound up the structure of the universe with the structure of humanity.
Genesis 2: 22 is comprised of 13 Words, composed of 46 Letters. The Gematria value for the whole verse, is 1996. That value is a pointer to 499, the 95th Prime Number. As we saw in the notes on the previous verse, that verse pointed at The 42 Letter Name, and to the “secret pathways” that start from the “Window” in position 37 in that Name, and from the 37th Triplet of The 72 Triplets.
The First Word
The First Word in Genesis 2:22, is about building. The word is closely tied to the Femal Sephirah, Binah, Understanding. It is the woman who builds the Knowledge base in her home and family, in much the same way as she builds a baby. That does not mean she tells her husband “how it is”. It means she BUILDS. God recognises the process via the first word He uses to describe what He does with the Side or Half that He has take from the Adam. God BUILDS that Half into a Woman/Wife.
The Genesis account talks about God Creating, Forming, and Making. Those terms are very specific in Hebrew. They refer to Creation of something from nothing. Then comes “tweaking” what was created. This is the Forming phase, the evolutionary phase. Then comes the Making phase – what gets us to the “end product”.
But in Eve’s case, or rather, in Chaiyah’s case, God did something unique. God BUILT her.
Gematria 68 or 718
The value of the first word in thi verse is 68 if we treat the Nun at the end of the word as a standard Nun, value 50. If we treat it as a Final (Sophit) Form, then the letter value is 700. This makes the word value 718. Remarkably, that 718 is double the value of Satan, 359 in Hebrew. It is also close to the 719 value (in feet) of the length of the diagonal side/edges of the Great Pyramid. Those diagonal ascending edges are actually a couple of inches more than 719 feet, so we can count their length as being between 719 and 720 feet.
The 68 is the value of Adam (45) and Chaiyah (23) added together. With a name value of 23, shee is in a sense the “mid point” of Adam’s 45. She is also a ninth of Light (207 in Hebrew). She was meant to be a being of Light, centre of Adam and his world. Maybe God built her to be the centre of Adam’s universe – or the centre of the whole universe. She had wrecked that before we make it out of the next chapter. TRAGIC !
The Gematria of The Rest of Verse 22
The 13 Word Values for Genesis 2: 22 are:
68 (or 718)
9)0 (0r 740
Look at the 2nd and 3rd Words. These are the “Double Divine Name”, value 112, so closely ties to God’s Magic Cube of 42, to the 112th Triangular Number (Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1), and to the 35th layer of The Great Pyramid at Giza, and the 35th verse of the Torah (and Bible).

THER IS more! If we use the 718 value for God’s “building process”, we have God (112) and Built (718) for a total value of 830, twice the value of the Hebrew word “HaQodesh, i.e. “The Holy”. God made the female half of humanity “doubly Holy”. Would that that had never changed!
We WILL get it back!!
401 The Golden Prime # and “Centre” of The Universe
The 4th word is “Et”, the full spectrum of the Aleph-Beth, from Aleph to Tau, and the central word of Genesis 1:1, the “One Verse” or “Uni-Verse”.
401 is the 79th Prime Nu,ber. 79 is the Atomic Number of Gold. God meant for female humanity to be valuable, clothed or arrayed and decorated with Gold. The theme of Chaiyah as the centre of the Universe is repeated here, once again. Look at the 401 as the 4th word in Genesis 1:1 (below).

God thought she was THAT Important!
195 – 19.5 The “Tetrahedral Constant”
The Fifth word hasthe value of 195, symbolic of the standard “shorthand” approximation of The Tetrahedral Constant. The Tetrahedron is an exceptionally STABLE 3-D Shape. God planned on women being Stable! God coded that message into the Gematria!

A “Regular Tetrahedron”

The “Tetrahedral Constant”
Approx. 19.5 Degrees
Asher 501
Asher is the central word in the Higher Name of God which God used at the Burning Bush. The value of that Name is 543, a mirror image numerically, of the value of Moses’ Hebrew name, 345. Together those two name values sum to 888, which is the value of Jesus’ Greek Name, and the value of Columns 2 and 2 of the Lower 42 Letter Name.
501 is also the value of Moses’ name and Joseph’s name.
345 + 156 = 501
When Moses split the Sea, he did so with Joseph’s bones at his feet.
The word Asher, riit word of the Indian term Ashram, is associated with Jesus, Moses and Joseph. God built it into His description of of the “building” of Chaiyah (Eve).
138 – Double Gold
138 is twice the Atomic Number of Gold, 79. God is building GOLD into the start of human females, yet again. Women are “treasures” – Good Women, anyway.
476 (90 50 336) From The Adam “Into” a Wife/Woman
The next three words have the Gematria 476 with “standar” values, and 1696 if we use the Sofit or Final Form values of the Nun and the Mem. The value of the word for “to Woman” or “into a Wife/Woman” is 336, matching the 336 Letters in the 112 Triplets. Once again, God is operating right in at the centre of Creation, in His Magic Cube of 42.
24 A Double Cube?
A Cube has 12 edges. The word we translate as “brought her”, has the value 24. Coming immediately after the hint at the 112 Triplets that orbit around God’s “Magic Cube”, maybe the 24 is a hint at the edges of TWO CUBES, one for Adam, one for Chaiyah. The word stem is the same as the word used in the Torah for “come”. So maybe the text here hints at more than just “brought”. Could it mean, “made her come (to the Adam)”??
150 “To The Adam”
The last two words have the values 100 and 50, or 100 and 610 if we take the Final Form “Sofit” value for the Mem. The 100 may be a hint at Israel (the 100th Prime Number) and the role the alphabet, the 231 Gates of Israel are meant to have in the couple’s relationship. The focus on 100 and 50 is a hint at a “triple” factor in the relationship. It is not just about him and her. It is about God, him and her.
Total Verse Gematria
The total Gematria for the verse is 1996. The Gematria of the preceding verse (Genesis 2: 21) is 4236. That means the difference is 2240. This is 20 times the 112 of the 112 Triplets. God is dropping BIG HINTS at the Triplets !
4236 – 1936 = 2240
2240 = 20 * 112