Phi, The Torah, 248, CERN & Abraham

The number of Verses, Words and Letters in the Torah is 390,625, as we saw in the previous Post. As we saw there, 390,625 is 58

390,625 = 58

Torah Scrolls are normally written with 248 columns. The 248 is the value of Abraham’s name, and of the 5 Books of Moses, i.e. the 5 Books of the Torah;s 5 names. 248 is also the number of different sub-atomic Fundamental Particles in the Universe according to current scientific models. It is one of the things (the full 248) that the scientists at CERN are trying to identify, i.e. the full “list” of 248. According to their published reports they are “almost there”.

Those 248 Columns in a Torah Scroll are usually written with a few empty lines, usually between major parts of the Torah. If every line was full, there would be 10, 416 “full lines”

248 * 42 = 10,416

16 of those Rows/Lines are empty
10,416 – 16 = 10,400

248 + 10,400 + 390,625 401,273

If we add in the number of Columns and non-empty lines in a Torah Scroll, that 390,625 total increases to 401,273

390,624 => 401,273

That 1273 “turns up” as the Universal Harmonic Constant in Torah design, and in the structure of the human body (12 meridians, 7 chakras etc), and in Christianity as 12 Apostles & 7 Deacons, as well as 12 Baskets and 7 Large Baskets.

But for today, let us stick with Phi, 248 and the Torah:


5 and its Square Root are key components of “Phi”. We should not be surprised that there is a link to the 5 Books of The Torah.

248 & The Shema

The Shemahas 248 words. Said twice daily, as it is meant to be, that totals 496 words. 496 is the value of KINGDOM, as in the KINGDOM that Jesus refered to in “The Lord’s Prayer”. This is one of many deep spiritual connections associated with The Shema. Others include the 112 Triplets and the Magic Cube of 42 at the Heart of God’s Creation. The 112 Triplets include 15 Triplets generated from, and coded within, the first line of The Shema.