Noah’s Ark For Fundamentalists

Noah and his family emerged from the Ark a bit more than 4100 years ago. That is what the Bible dates tell us, for those who know the Biblical dating. (The Church and Christian dates are not as accurate.)

Modern history, the names of ethic groups, and the names of cities, jive very well with the Biblical dates.

But that DOES NOT MEAN, (what the fundamentalists want to believe), that Noah and his family got onto the boat, only a year and a bit before they emerged from the Ark.

The truth is that Noah and his family experienced only a short period on the Ark. But the time that elapsed on Earth while they were gone was MUCH longer. It was probably millions of years longer, maybe hundreds of millions of years longer.

That DOES NOT MEAN that the Earth was flooded the whole time that Noah was away. Genesis Chapter 6 is clear that there were beings from “off planet” visiting Earth, creatures described as “Nephilim”. Those “Nephilim” were close enough to human physiology to be able to cross breed with humans. In other words, they were some form of “genetic cousins” of humans.

Some of our “genetic cousins” may have been on Earth while Noah and the Ark were “away”. Noah and his family came back to an empty planet. But that does not mean that there had not been anybody here while they were away.

Nor does it mean that there was only one Flood. Noah “left” before one flood. He returned after another flood. They were NOT the same “flood”, er “floods”

The Dimensions of the Ark: 300, 50 and 30 (cubits).

“Spell those dimensions out in Hebrew, including the “and” (value 6 in Hebrew), and the dimensions total 386

300 + 50 + 30 + 6 = 386

386 is the value of Jesus’ Hebrew Name. Jesus was “The Portal”.