“Speaking In Tongues” – Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley 666

He was known as “The Wickedest Man on Earth” and as “The Beast” and “666”.

“666” has Biblical significance that goes beyond the standard western/Christian association between “666” and one of the two “Beasts” in the Book of Revelation.

(Some of those links, between the first verse of Genesis and 666 are covered on this website.)

Genesis 1: 1 as a Figurate Geometry Graphic

But Aleister Crowley, identified himself with “666” as a means of highlighting and “playing up” his wickedness. He wanted to be thought of as evil.

Aleister Crowley taught “Magic” to senior staff in British Intelligence, i.e. he was “skilled enough” in the occult for British Intelligence to take him seriously. They believed that he had real supernatural powers, dark as his “magic” was.

To be fair, as far as is known, Crowley never killed anybody. But he apparently drove women in his circle to suicide. He was a drug dealing, drug using pervert. He had to “move countries” to avoid prosecution as a drug dealer. Basically, he had to move countries several times for that reason. He DID kill animals in perverted sex with animals black magic rituals. He conducted those rituals in a home where children were living. He WAS the product of a wealthy churchy family who made their money out of “booze”. Some people see that “money from booze” combined with a “churchy” lifestyle as the height of hypocrisy. But there was little that was hypocritical about Crowley. He was out, blatantly out, to do evil, to serve evil. Even his own (very “churchy”) mother called him “The Beast”.

So where and how did Crowley get his knowledge and revelation of evil? Maybe some of that was just “in him”. He did read magical texts. And maybe he also gained some of it through his drug use and perversion.

But he attributed a lot of his revelation to his practice of “speaking in tongues”.

YES, that is the same “speaking in tongues” that is practised in so many “happy clappy fundamentalist” churches. They claim that they are in touch with The Holy Spirit.

Crowley knew that speaking in gibberish put him in touch with spirits. But there was nothing “holy” about the spirits Crowley was conjuring up. What he was doing was a practice that has long been identified in both European Occult tradition and in Judaism, as a means of creating spirit entities that will communicate with a person.

The spirits created are usually a reflection of the spiritual state of the person doing the “gibberish”. In Crowley’s case, the spirits he created were as wicked as he was.

Down at your local “Happy Clappy fundamentalist church, what are you going to get? Yes there can be, and usually are, some good people there. But there are probably more demons and wicked spirits floating around that congregation than there are at the nearest nightclub or disco.

Crowley’s heritage includes Charles Manson, The Process Church of The Final Judgement, Scientology, The Tate la Bianca murders, the Son of Sam murders in New York, and the Claremont Serial Killings in Perth Western Australia. The cult leader of the Manson Cult in Australia calls herself “666” in honour of Crowley.

In Jesus’ words:

You will know them by their fruits”.

Fctor in together, Crowley’s trail of broken lives and the murderous cults that follow his “guidelines”, along with the millions of people who have been hurt and damaged by modern churches – and the “Fruit” looks and sounds very evil