JFK – 104 Years On From His Birth (29th May 1917)

He was born 104 years ago, today – on May 29, 1917.

People called his Presidency Camelot. If he had known more about the real Camelot, and how people prayed in Camelot, he might not have been assassinated. The answers to “how people prayed in the Real Camelot, were not that far away. They were as close as The Our Father, or Lord’s Prayer. But modern Catholicism of “Irish parentage” had lost contact with its Camelot origins long, long ago.

His assassination was a turning point for the world. That is part of the reason the date of his assassination is coded into the start of Genesis. He was murdered in a coalescence of evil, a fusion of the wicked interests of several different groups.

But there was probably more than that involved. His Catholic upbringing could not guide him, nor protect him. There is a lot of good stuff in Catholicism. A lot of that good came from Camelot. It was good enough for the Vatican to claim it as its own.

But there was also a lot of stupidity and superstition added in there. The Reformation was staged. It was an Intelligence Agency orchestrated “plot”. The agenda was to protect Venice’s monopoly on trade with Asia. Venice needed a distraction while it invested in, married into, and moved to London and Amsterdam. Part of the plot was to ferment religious warfare and strife as part of the “distraction”.

That “distraction” led to the murders of (depending on whose estimates you accept) between 25% and 35% of Europe’s population. Yes, a bunch of bigoted religious idiots had a great time murdering each other in the name of God, for about 150 years. They are still at it even in modern times. 20th Century history in Northern Ireland tells the story. Soccer match riots in Scotland, Catholic vs Protestant, still happen.

A lot of anti-Catholic myth and prejudice is just nonsense, fabricated as part of the Divide & Conquer” Venetian agenda – which became London’s agenda.

But, SOME of the prejudice against Catholicism is justified. That does not justify murdering or hating (yes, the order IS back the front because there is no logic to the hate), but it does not change the facts:

Some of Catholicism is a load of crap, just mindless stupid superstition, laced with idolatory. What is now running the RC Church is the biggest continuous ‘gay party” in the world (Vatican City), p;ugged into a huge paedophile network. Yet they have enormous wealth, enormous political power on earth, and plenty of “political power” from the Devil’s perverted “crew” in a higher dimension.

ack went up against a corrupt world with no real power to protect him. His marriage was faulty. His opponets were into the occult. They included the Nazis, “Banksters”, the mafia, the US aerospace industry and his own intelligence agencies.

So how much spiritual power could a bunch of paedophiles, satanists and secret “closet homosexuals” offer him? The answer is a BIG FAT ZERO.

Things have not really changed. Hundreds of millions of Catholics have “bailed out” because of the paedophilia scandals. But just as many still want to cling to the Catholic fantasy that their cross-dressing ill trained paedophile ridden clergy “know it all” where God is concerned.

Not all Catholic clergy are perverts. There are many many good ones.

But their bishops and cardinals, even if they were not child molesters themselves, have a shocking history of protecting child molesters. And they HAVE NOT CHANGED. Putting it in plain English, The bastards are stubborn! They have no intention of changing! They pay lip service to a pretence of change. They mouthe off about putting more women on church committees. But they are just pretending, just going through the motions.

Having a few compliant high status Catholic women on a parish committee changes nothing. The issue is NOT women’s presence. The issue is perversion and clericalism. A million women are not going to change that. If the guy is a pervert, he is still a pervert. He should not be treated as someone who has a direct line to God, even if his intentions are good. He is what he is, and it may not be his fault. He may have been born that way. Spirits may have jumped into him when he was being molested as a child. We cannot judge.

But we can protect.

Jack’s assassination is testimony to how useless the Catholic Church has been in protecting “its own”. JFK had it all, the looks, the brains, the wealth, the charisma, and a heart that was out to do good. But that did not protect him. The Secret Service failed him. But so did his “religious and spiritual knowledge.

Jack’s death is still mourned by hundreds of nillions of people. But the fate of hundreds of millions of people who grew up in terribel alcoholic Catholic marriages goes almost un-noticed. The alcoholism is one of the prices Catholics have paid for the stupid statue worship. Art work can be nice, but for some people it is too much. This is why Islam goes to such extremes about avoiding anything that could trigger idolatory. But step into any Catholic church on a Sunday. You will see some people, maybe not every time, but often, praying to and even kissing the feet of statues.

And then people hope they will “do OK” when they go up against evil.

Is Protestantism any better? One lot worship St Paul. The oher bunch (Catholics) worship Mary (Maria), Jesus’ mother.

So wHO is their Messiah? Wonderful as both Maria and Paul are, the Gospels say that Jesus is the Messiah. Not the Pope, not the Vatican, not Jesus’ wonderful mother – but Jesus. That is why He is called “Christ” (Mesiah).