54 Torah Parashot (Sections)

Amongst many other things, the 54 sections of the Torah, i.e. the 54 “Parashot”, are related to the 54 Lights that were once in the Grand Gallery of The Great Pyramid of Giza. (The Light Sockets are still there, but the Lights were removed millenia ago – after the interplanetary war that shattered at least one planet, and probably two. The remnants of that planet or two planets, are what we know as our “Asteroid Belt”.

The Pyramid was used as a “planet busting” weapon. Yet another example f the misuse of advanced technology, especially of advanced technology with a big “spiritual component”. The Great Pyramid has strong links to “God’s technology”, and to the Bible.)


Shemot (Exodus)

Vayikra (Leviticus)

Barmidbar (Numbers)

  • Devarim (Deuteronomy)