It is easy to think of Jesus’ first recorded words as being spoken when John was baptising large crowds, or when Jesus was dealing with The Devil at the end of the 40 days in the wilderness.
But Jesus’ first recorded statement comes from approximately 17 and a half years earlier — when Jesus was bout 12 and a half years old:
Coding in Jesus’ Words
Jesus spoke 15 words, comprised of 55 letters. In this case, i.e. in His earliest recorded words, His words when He was 12 years old.
This time, the “coding” is so obvious, that the spelling, and the Mathematics must have been chosen very deliberately.
(This is not always the case in the New Testament), the spelling and the numbers aree significant. He was a VERY BRIGHT 12 year old! He had been already, well trained and well educated. Yes He was/is the Son of God. But He was also well educated. His parents were BOTH brilliant Torah scholars. (The “building business & carpentry” were just the “day job”. Maria had been identified as the mother of the coming “Messiah Son of David”. She had been trained for that role. Basically, the Jewish religious leadership wanted the smartest best ecucated mother they could “produce”.
Joseph was selected as her husband for the same reason. The best Torah scholar available was chosen to educate the Messiah. He was also Maria’s persobal choice. The relationship was “a love match” despite the age difference.
Things “went sour” with the religious leadership when Maria became pregnant ahead of the marriage ceremony. The religious leaders had never imagined that the Messiah was to be, literally, The Son of God.
So the religious leaders accepted James, the second son, as The Messiah. They “spat the dummy” when James accepted His older brother as The Messiah, becoming the leader of the early church in Jerusalem. He is “James The Brother of The Lord”, leader of the early church, just as the New Testament says.
Peter was every bit the rock and pillar of strength that Jesus predicted he would be. He was a terrific guy. Jesus had to protect a “posse” of armed thugs and professional guards and soldiers from Peter on the night Jesus was arrested. One guy with a sword against squads of guards. And Peter was “winning”/
That is the sort of guy Peter was. But he was never “the first Pope”. That bit is just church fantasy concocted later for political agendas.
But the Romans respected Judaism, and the opinions of the Jewish religious leadership. The Romans WERE fed up with the Jews. But they respected Judaism enough to have accepted the birth of James” as the starting point for the new calendar. So the Western Calendar was “set” to start from the year of James’ birth, up or down 12 months depending on how people “handled” the year “zero”.
Herod the baby killer died in 4 BC. Jesus was born several years before the year zero AD/ The 30 AD and 33 AD dates for Jesus’ death, are like Peter being the “first Pope”, just ignorant religious fantasy.
That campus was “Greek speaking”. Jesus was fluent in /Greek. HE HADKNOWN AND SPOKEN THE GREEK LANGUAGE SINCE HE WAS A LITTLE BOY.
He was trained in Torah, Kabbalah and Gematria, He would later use the mathematics/Gematria when He named His Apostles. And He used that knowledge when He spoke His first recorded words at age 12. His parents were both Greek speaking. (And yes, they, like Jesus, also spoke Hebrew, Aramaic and at least some Latin.
He knew exactly what He was saying when He, aged 12, answered His mother, Maria, in Greek. Because of the Library of Alexandria “background”, Jesus, His mother and His step-father, were more than Hebrew and Torah scholars. They had exposure to Greek traditions and knowledge that went back to Aristotle. Aristotle was Alexander’s tutor.
The Temple of Apollo at Delphi
Alexander “launched his career” from here
The Temple sits on The St. Michael’s Ley Line
There Is A Connection Here to Camelot and to Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea
Jesus Words, The 72 “Camelot” & The 42 Letter Name
Jesus’ 15 Words and 55 Letters, point )among other things) to the entrance into The Great Pyramid (55 feet above ground level) and to the 42nd of The 72 Camelot (Triplets). That 42nd Triplet is the one that has the value 70.
If this sounds like the script and coding from a Dan B/`rown novel, yes, it is at least as deep as that, and /probably even more than that.
Dan Brown & “Freemasonry Coding”
Dan Brown’s books are “fictionalised”. But there is some reality behind the “coding” in his novels. He is a prominent Freemason, who “runs his scripts” past ” senior Masons before he publishes them.
Some of the “Scottish Rite traditions go back to ancient Britain. There were people in the ancestry of both John The Baptist & Jesus who lived in Britain.
Jesus lived His early years in Egypt. It is no surprise that there are links between The Great Pyramid (VERY “Bible connected) and ancient traditions in the British Isles. Camelot and thee Ley Lines are indicators that there was more to “advanced” early Christianity than the “standard product”. in European tradition.
Very much with Divine approval, St. Paul “pruned” Christianity down to a simpler form that “gentiles” could cope with.
The “fuller version” has way more to it than the “standard product”.
Dan Brown’s novels tap into something that most people suspect — that there is something more to Christianity, to the foundation of The United States and to the “silhouette” of The Great Pyramid which is in the street plan of Washington D.C.
Dan Brown’s books are popular for good reason. We will jump from his books to “1776” being coded into the words Jesus spoke when He was 12 years old.
“1776” in Jesus’ Words
The fifteen words Jesus spoke when Ue was 12, are in two sentences, one consisting of 4 words, the other (sentence) consisting of 11 Words.
The first letters of the 4 words in the first sentence He spoke, have these values: (300, 70, 5 and 40). THEY SUM TO 415.
The values of the first letters of the other 11 words Jesus spoke are (70, 8, 70, 5, 300, 300, 80, 40, 4, 5, 40).
These “First Letter values” sum to 922.
The corresponding sets of 4 and 11 “Final Letters” are:
(10, 10, 5, 5) and (20, 5, 10, 50, 200, 400, 200, 400, 10, 10, 5). They sum to 30 and 1310.
The values of the “Internal Letters” of the two sentences Jesus spoke are:
(-, 300, 7+8+300+5+10+300, -) i.e. (300, 630) summing to 930
(400, 4+5+10+300, 300, -, 70+10, 70, 1+300+100+70, 70, 5, 10+50+1, -), i.e. (400, 319, 300, -, 80, 70, 471, 70, 5, 61, – ). These ‘internal letter values sum to 1776.
Jesus “got” the value of the 4th verse of The Torah.
That verse has the same value as twice His Greek Name. It is the verse about separating “Light and Dark, Shining Light and Reflectied Light in some traditions, Yin and Yang in others. In Hebrew, u,e, in The Torah, the difference between Light and Dark (values 207 and 328) is 11 * 11 = 121.
Jesus’ 11 Word sentence “got” that one.
2232 = 2 * 116
Jesus “Got” the values of
WILL and Kingdom in His famous prayer (Doubled)
And He also “got” the value of the first two words of the Torah – again, DOUBLED,
“Check Sum” Calculations
First Sentence:
415 + 930 + 30 = 1375
(First, Internal & Last Letters)\
Second Sentence:
922 + 1776 + 1310 = 4008
The value of Jesus’ 15 words is 5383. This is 3760 less than 9143, which is the value of The 72 Camelot (Triplets).
5383 + 3760 = 9143
Now, look at Eve’s words to God:
The values of her three words, 363, 376 and 57, have just linked the 5th Triplet of The (Lower) 42 Letter Name (57), The Serpent and The Messiah (363), the value of Esau’s name, the value of “Shalom”, and the difference between Jesus
first spoken words and the value of The 72 Triplets.
Did she “home in” on what Jesus was going to say? Or was Jesus countering her words.
Either way, His words come out as “brilliant stuff” for a 12 year old boy.
The Great Pyramid
Base Perimeter 36300 Inches
Eve “Honed In” on The Pyramid’s Dimensions
She was (at the least) VERY Smart
and Highly Psychic
Jesus’ First Recorded Sentence
The 4 words of Jesus’ first recorded sentence have the value 1375.
1375 is the value of the last 3 lines of The (Lower) 42 Letter Name.
1375 also represents the so called “Phi Angle” of 137.5 degrees.
Jesus’ First Recorded Sentence also has links to Joseph of Arimathea.
That connection extends to The 42 Letter Name of God, to Camelot, and to The (modern) Caribeean.
Jesus’ Second d (Recorded) Sentence
Jesus’ “Second Sentence” recorded at The Temple when He was 12 Years old, was comprised of 11 Words, total value of the ltters being 5,008. The 6th or middle word, has the value 770. That leaves a total value for the other 10 words, of 3238.
That makes the “average” for the first five and the last five words of 1619. 1610 is the 256th Prime Number.
256 is the 8th power of 2. We are talking “computer codes” here – especially the 1024 (A Kilobyte = 1024 Bytes)bcorners of our 10 Dimensional Universe. They are matched by the 1024 different Word Values in The Torah.
As a 12 year old boy, Jesus’ first recorded two sentences have pointed straight at The 42 Letter Name and at Torah Codes. They have also pointed at (a longer story), Phi, Pi, at The Caribbean, at modern Australia, at The Great Light, at the first verse of The Torah, and at The JFK Assassination.
If the first 5 words and last 5 words of Jesus’ 2nd sentence were equal in value, the values of “first 5”, 6th, “last 5” (words) would be:
But the actual values are:
The “variations from 1619” are 218 (both up and down):
1619 – 1401 = 218
1619 + 218 = 1837
The Sons of Rage
Jesus (more than two decades after He had been a 12-year-old boy, named or “nicknamed” the two sons of Zebedee, the Apostles James and John, as “Boanerges”.
Boanerges is usually translated in English versions of The Gospels, as “Sons of Thunder”. But Sons of Rage is more accurate as a translation.
Either way, (either English translation), Boanerges in Greek, has the value 436.This is the 218 doubled. i.e. the difference between Jesus’ 1837 and 1401.
In many ways, the New Testament, even Jesus’ words, is/are way more about “sound”, or spoken words, than the Written Torah The New Testament is more about Rhema than Logos. mathematicl Letter precision tends to be more “Torah” than Gospel. So “letter precision” in Jesus’ words is not something we can count on, especially in documents with multiple sources. The New Testament has over 1800 source documents, i.e. there are over 1800 “original source versions”.
On one level, 1800 different sources attesting to the validity of the text, is great. But minor variations in spelling ARE possible. How can we tell if the variations were intentional or just “random”.
With the Torah text, despite the posturing by Western/Christian experts, the stunning mathematical precision of the accepted Jewish text is proof of Divine control/authorship. The mathematics indicates that there may be one variant version of the Torah text that was copiled under Divine control, but the “jury” is still out on “that one”.
What IS obvious is that the accepted Torah text was dictated letter by letter from a Divine source. What we got is the best computer database on earth, way beyond the capacity of our best supercomputers to compile.
And here we have Jesus, aged 12, hitting extraordinary mathematical precision in His words. The Gospel account says His parents did not understand His words. And most churchgoing Christians have assumed that they must have been a couple of “numbskulls”, too stupid to figure out or remember what had happened in the past:
- The prophecies, predictions and “angelic messages” all sent a consistent message – that “the baby boy” was to become the Saviour of Israel, that He was the Messiah, that He was the promised Son of David
- Those messages had come through angels visiting Maria and her cousin Elizabeth, to Joseph in a dream, to Elizabeth’s husband in The Temple, from the elderly prophet in the temple, from Anna the “ancient” (very old) Holy Woman in the Temple. Unbeknown to most Christians, Maria(m) was identified from birth (and even before that) as the mother of the coming Messiah. she was trained and educated for that role. Even the Romans accepted that. They based the Western Calendar on the year that Mariam’s second son (“James the brother of The Lord) was born. Joseph, Maria’s husband was selected as her husband because he was a top Torah scholar, with the skills to train and educate The future Messiah. He was also Maria’s choice.
- Herod had had all baby boys in the Bethlehem area massacred. The family had had to flee the country to escape Herod.
And people think Maria and Joseph were too stupid to understand when jesus said He had to be involved in the things of His father/Father. ANYBODY could understand the meaning of the surface text. Maria and Joseph understood that very clearly.
What they “missed” was the stuff that Jesus coded into His words. It ran deep – coding places and dates in the future.
The Sons of Rage (Boanerges)
The Value of The Term is 436,
Double the 218 Codes Up and Down in Jesus’ Words
Simon Peter “Cephas”
Cephas has the value 729
729 + 436 == 1165
1165 is the value of The Two Trees named
in The Garden of Eden
233 + 932 = 1165
1165 is the value of the first 9 Triplets
in The 72 Triplets
The first 18 Triplets have the value 1868
Jesus was making coded references to The modern Caribbean,
to the “703” Triangle at The centre of
Genesis 1:1
and to modern Trinidad and Cuba especially
The name value Jesus gave “Simon” as “Simon Peter Cephas” is (2584) straight out of The Fibonacci Number Series. It is also the value of the third set of 18 Triplets in The 72 Triplets. The first set of 18 Triplets is modern Trinidad’s Phone Code. The same number is coded in as the second half of the Lower 42 Letter Name.
The same “2584 value” is there in the 5th and the 9th words that Pontius Pilate wrote on the notice he had displayed above Jesus’ cross?< i.e. 1239 + 1345 = 2584
Pilate’s Notice (Greek text, in full)
1239 + 1345 = 2584
The 72 Triplets in Blocks of 9
The Two Trees of Eden and
Cephas & Boanerges Coded in Together
in The First 9 Triplets (above)
Grouped in Blocks of 18 Triplets
Trinidad’s Phone Code up Top (and duplicated elsewhere)
Simon Peter Cephas as 2584 in the
3rd Block of 18 Triplets AND “Bookended”
in the 2nd Set of 18 Triplets as 287 + 2584 = 2871 (at BOTH ends) (Below)
Access To “Atlantis”
There are ancient ruins on the seabed close to Cuba. Those ruins include Pyramids and a city big enough to have housed 2 Million people. In some of the ruins, the lights ARE STILL ON – after thousands of years. !!
Powerful “interests” want to get access to whatever technology might be still “down there”. Access to the northern Caribbean from the North, is very much at the discretion of the United States, which has military bases in the South East USA (Texas, Louisiania, Florida etc).
Access from the Southern Caribbean is more “open”. This means that political and military influence in Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, and Central America is useful. Russia is interested. So is China. So is The UK and The EU. So is The Vatican. EVERYBODY wants a look at whatever is down there on the sea-floor of the Northern Caribbean.
If Russia places missiles on Cuba, again, just as it did 60 years ago, the potential for the Russian war with The Ukraine to escalate, rise yet again.
Jesus’ words as a 12 year old boy, were pointing at the modern world. This is what His parents “missed”. There is a lot more coded into Jesus’ words than is included on this web-page.
Fibonacci Numbers, Jesus & “Torah”
The 18 Digit Code linked to Tesla, to the Gematria of the whole Torah, to Fibonacci Numbers and To Marco Rodein’s research, shows up with Pontius Pilate’s written notice above Jesus’ cross.
That notice, in its last two words, points straight to the central two columns of The 72 Triplets. Those two columns point straight to the founding of modern Australia in 1788 AD.
Interesting . . . .