“The Christ”: More on Copper, Silver & Gold

In our previous Post about Copper, Silver and Gold, we saw that the Atomic Numbers of Copper, Silver and Gold are 29, 47 and 79. These numbers sum to 155.

The value 155 is the value of the central two Triplets in the 72 Triplets, i.e. in the “Camelot”. These values, as shown in the previous post on Copper, Silver & Gold are 94 and 61. The sum of 94 and 61 is 94.

Periodic Table Row Lengths

The differences between the Atomic Numbers of Silver and Copper (47 less 29 = 18), and between Gold and Silver (79 less 47 = 32), are 18 and 32. These numbers are Row Lengths in the Periodic Table of The Elements. Both these numbers are functions of the “square of a number”. They derive from the size of the shells/orbits inside an atom. Jesus’ Hebrew Name has a value (386) that is equal to double the same “N Squared” function for n = 7, and n = 12. The row lengths that are “turning up” in the differences between Atomic Numbers 29 (Copper), 47 (Silver) and Gold (79) are the values ofDouble the Square of 3, and 4.

Moses, God, Pythagoras and Jesus

The overall difference 79 less 29, is 50. We do not have Row Lengths in the Periodic Table that are 50 long. But the 50, once again, is the double square of a number. In this case, the 50 is twice the square of 5, i.e. 2 * 25 = 50. 25 is 5 “squared, i.e. 5 * 5 = 25.

These numbers 3,4 and 5, are recognisable as the simplest of “Pythagorean Triads”. (The “s\Square of the Hypoteneuse” “thingey” !

Less known than “Professor Pythagoras’ ” right angled triangles is the fact that when God met Moses at the Burning Bush, the value of the Name that God used, was 543. The value of Moses’ name was/is 345. Moses and God had names that were reflections of each other.

The sum of those numbers, 345 + 543 = 888, is the vale of Jesus’ (Greek) New Testament Name. In other words, Jesus’ New Testament Greek Name has the same value as the meeting of God and Man at the Burning Bush. Jesus cited/mentioned that meeting in the Gospels.

The point of all this is that the mathematics and numbers associated with Copper, Silver and God, have connections with the structure of Matter and of Atoms, with Moses, with the Camelot that Moses used to split the Sea, with Camelot itself (duh!), i.e. with “Advanced Christianity”, and with Jesus.

O Christos: The Christ

So, it is no surprise that the Greek expression for “The Christ”, has the value of the Atomic Numbers of Copper, Silver and Gold, MULTIPLIED by 10. In other word, “The Christ”/Messiah/Messianic Consciousness makes available to us, a level that is ten times better/deeper/stronger than the heights that were available through The Temple, and within the “Heart” (Centre) of the 72 Triplets.

The Letters in the Greek expression “O Christos” (The Christ), have the values 70 (for “O” or “The”), and then (600 100 10 200 300 70 and 200). The “Grand Total” is 70 + 1480 = 1550 .

The 1550 is 10 times 155, i.e. 10 times the 155 we have seen in the Temple Metals, in the Pythagorean Mathematics, in the meeting of God and Man etc.

The “50” between the Atomic Numbers of Gold and Copper is related to the 50 days of Pentecost and Savaoth (The Feast of Weeks), and the 50 of Binah (Understanding). Thee Christian symbol of a Fish is related to 50. The Hebrew letter Nun (A Fish) has the value 50.

1550: Ten times the sum (155) of the Atomic Numbers of Copper, Silver and Gold