Maria’s 132 Recorded WordsND 9 (Plus 9 “Time Bending” Extra)

Maria (Mary) & The Great Pyramid of Giza

Maria (Mary) and Joseph, and their infant Son, “hid out” in Egypt from Herod, the baby killer monster not worthy of being called a king. The family was familiar with Egypt and with The Pyramids. Contrary to western church fantasy, Maria and Joseph were highly educated Torah scholars. They HAD to be Torah scholars so as they could educate and train The Messiah.

It is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic prejudice that portrays Maria and Joseph as uneducated. So NO, no matter what some silly nun taught you in “Catholic School”, Maria was not some “Dumbo” waltzing around the hills of Galilee, saying Rosaries to herself.

There IS more to The Rosary than The Catholic Church knows. Leaving even the deeper side of The Rosary aside (and part of the Catholic version IS Blasphemy), Maria’s knowledge, training and education surpassed anything The Catholic Church ever knew or taught.

Maria’s knowledge about The Great Pyramid came from what Moses had known. She knew the dimensions of The Pyramid. Did she tailor her words to match the mathematics in The Pyramid?

Almost certainly NOT. The “tailoring” and “matching” was more likely to be the result of Divine oversight of the writing of The Gospels. But, whatever the exact proportions of Divine and Inspired Human input, some of the Divine links into the Gospel phraseology, are interesting.

Unlike The Torah, which was dictated (to Moses), letter by letter, the Gospels are much more a “Spoken Words” document. The spelling is not always exact, even if the meanings are obvious. Some of Jesus’ words have different spellings in different Gospels. This seems to have happened with words in Greek that are transliterated from “garbled mixtures” of Hebrew and Aramaic. There is usually meaning behind each spelling of the words into or in, Greek.

But, back to Maria, Jesus’ mother. In the Gospels, there are 1320 words attributed to her, i.e. 132 words that she DID speak.

The dimensions of The Great Pyramid of Giza, are 330 Cubits of 27.5 inches for the Base Length of the 4 Sides.
4 * 330 = 1320

There is an intentional link between her 132 spoken words, and the 1320 Cubits around the Base of the Pyramid. In inches, the same distance is 36300 inches (36,300 inches).

In Hebrew, the value of the letters in the Word/Term “The Messiah”, is 363.

4 * 9075 = 36,300 (inches)
4 Sides of The Pyramid
Maria is the Mother of The Messiah

Maria’s first recorded words (in The Bible) are in her conversation with the Archangel Gabriel, i.e. the Angel of the Strength (Geburah-Geverah) of God (EL or AL).

And, SPARE US the STUPIDITY and the IDIOCY, she is NOT ‘The Mother of God’. She is wonderful, good, beautiful, intelligent, kind and loving, and way more . . . BUT she is a created Being. She is NOT GOD!

Maria’s Son, Jesus, is The Messiah –
NOTt His Wonderful Mother.

But she IS Wonderful, and IMPORTANT. So are Her Words!

Maria’s Conversation With The Angel Gabriel

Luke Chapter 1 Extract:
Archangel Gabriel’s
Conversation With Maria

Maria Talks To The Archangel Gabriel

Her Question To Archangel Gabriel

Luke 1:34 Interlinear
maria Speaks 7 Words

Maria’s Full Verbal (to Gabriel) Acceptance of Her “Mission”

(Luke 1:38 Biblehub .com, Greek Interlinear. Maria spoke 10 Words.

Maria’s “Magnificat”

Maria’s Words At Her Cousin Elizabeth’s and Zacharias’ Home

Luke 1:46

Maria spoke 6 Words.

Luke 1:47

Maria spoke 11 Words.

Luke 1:48

Maria spoke 18 words.

Luke 1:49

Maria spoke 11 Words.

Luke 1:50

Maria spoke 11 Words.

Luke 1:51

Maria spoke 10 Words.

Luke 1:52

Maria spoke 7 Words.

Luke 1:53

Maria spoke 7 Words.

Luke 1:54

Maria spoke 6 Words.

Luke 1:55

Maria spoke 15 Words.

In The Magnificat”, Maria spoke 102 Words:

Sum (6, 11, 18, 11, 11, 10, 7, 7, 6, 15) is 102. 102 is the value of the Hebrew word for FAITH, “Amonah”, which is connected to the word Amen.

Amonah (Faith)
Value of the letters is 102
Maria spoke 102 Words in

her “Magnificat”

One of the things Jesus often spoke about and talked about was Faith. His mother, no surprise, “encapsulated” the Hebrew concept of Faith (Amonah) in her Magnificat.

Maria Questions 12 Year Old Jesus

Maria spoke 13 Words.

Maria’s “Bonus” 9 Words: Tesla & Bending Time

Maria spoke another 9 words, i.e. 9 more than the 132 described on this webpage, which are also recorded in the Gospels. On this website, we are treating those 9 wods as “extra” or “bonus” words associated with Bending or Altering Time, Those 9 words were spoken at the Wedding Feast in Cana. Cana, i.e. the name Cana in Greek, has the numeric value 72. This is a hint at the 72 Triplets, an entry into some very advanced spiritual knowledge.