Ezekiel’s Future Temple & The 27.5″ Cubit

The 27.5″ Cubit

There are TWO “Biblical Cubits”. One is 17.6″ long, i.e. 17.8 inches, if you are not used to the 17.6″ abbreviation. The other Cubit is 9.9″ longer, i.e. 27.5″.

The “Egyptian Cubit(s)”, are a percentage of the 27.5″ Cubit. There are minor variations in the Egyptian or “Royal” Cubits.

The 27.5″ Cubit is the Cubit used in both The Great Pyramid of Giza, and in Ezekiel’s Future Temple. The Great Pyramid is, in a sense, “self referencing” re the 27.5″ Cubit.

The Square grid on which The Pyramid is laid out, and the southern edge/base, is exactly 9075″ long, i.e. 756′ 3″


This 756.25 feet is 27.5 * 27.5 feet.

Abraham was 99 years old when he and Sarah rejuvenated, and Sarah became pregnant. That age of 99 years is related to the 9.9″ increase, or difference, between the 17.6″ Cubit and the 27.5″ Cubit. The Gospel account of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, uses a Greek word for well, which has a numerical value of 99.

Time, Space and Cubits

Jesus walked on the water, surrounded by a raging storm, at a distance of “25 Stadia OR 30 Stadia” from the shore. There is only one number that is 25 OR 30. That number is 27.5. Once Jesus got into the Boat, it was transported to the shore in an instant. Jesus was bending time and space.

There are 3600 17.6″ Cubits in a Mile of 1760 yards. The Mile was based on the size of the Earth in the earlier days of human history. The conversion from distance in Miles and Cubits, to Degrees (360 Degrees in a Circle, 360 Degrees around the Earth’s surface was relatively simple.

The conversion from Degrees to Distance on the ancient (smaller Earth) involved a 400 Cubit adjustment factor,

Those 400 Cubits of 17.6″ was 7040 inches.

400 * 17.6″ = 7040″

The Central line of God’s 42 Letter Name has the value 704.

The “numerics” are NOT a coincidence.

Jacob’s well “runs deep” – which is what that multiply married ‘gal” said to Jesous.


IBM had a mainframe computer called, or named, the 7040. Maybe that was just a coincidence. But when we “factor in” that the 70th of The 72 Triplets, is Yod-Beit-Mem (“IBM”), you “gotta” wonder!


The Same 27.5″ Cubit in BOTH The Great Pyramid & Ezekiel’s Temple

Moses’ “Tabernacle in The Wilderness” was a “Portable Temple”. It was built using dimensions

based on the ancient 17.6″ Cubit, which in turn, was based on the size of the Earth, 360 degrees in a Ciircle and the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet.

Solomon’s Temple used the same 17.6″ Cubit, but the sizes were doubled. So Moses’ “Holy of Holies” was a Cube of volume 1,000 Cubic Cubits (10 by 10 by 10 Cubits). In Solomon’s Temple, the volume of The Holy of Holies was 8,000 Cubic Cubits (20 by 20 by 20 Cubits).

Ezekiel’s Future Temple uses the 27.5″ Cubit, NOT the ancient 17.6″ Cubit. This makes The Great Pyramid of Giza more significant than most people realise. The “indications” have always been there.

For instance, the ancient “hidden” entrance to the Great Pyramid is 55 feet above the Base of The Pyramid. 55 is obviously TWICE 27.5.

The 660″ in those 55 feet below the Great Pyramid’s entrance, match the 660 square feet area of a Cricket Pitch. The 6th Column of The 42 Letter Name HAS 7 letters. Letters 2, 3 and 4 are the name Goshen, as in the Land of Goshen. The value of the other 4 Letters is 660. These are the letters in God’s question to Moses just before the splitting of the Yam Suph, the Endless Sea, or perhaps The Sea of The Infinite.