A Cube Has 3 Dimensions, Our Universe Has 10 Dimsions

A Cube Has 8 Corners

We can easily count the 8 Corners or Vertices on a Cube.

But We Cannot Picture a 10-Dimensional Object

A Cube is 3-Dimensional. We can pisture a Cube easily, partly because our minds are “wired up” to think in, and navigate our way in, 3-Spatial Dimensions,

Call those 3 Dimensions Up-Down, Forward-Backward, Left-Right, or something more mathematical like the x, y and z axes, we can all think in 3-Dimensional Space.

But 10 Dimensions ?! That is quite a “Jump”!

But we CAN jump up a gimension when we add TIME into our thinking. We can all picture the same Cube as it was yesterday, and as it will be Tomorrow. All 8 of those vertices on a Cube can exist in the Past and in The Future. In a sense we now have 16 vertices that we can imagine, i.e. our 8 Corners on our Cube in the Past, and the same 8 Corners in the Future.

8 + 8 = 16

When we added another Dimension (Time), we DOUBLED THE number of Vertices.

Every Time Wee\ Add An Extra Dimension, We Double The Number Of Verices

This means that a 10-Dimensional Object has 2^10 Vertices or “Corners”. We cannot picture them. But we can describe those corners mathematically.

Our Universe is really “10 Dimensional”. The “mathematics” of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity tell us that. Chapter 1 of The Book of Genesis tells us the same thing. Those Ten Dimensions are reflected by the Ten “Sayings” of God in Genesis 1.

There are 1024 “word values” in The Torah. This is a “perfect Kilobyte” of Word values.

There are 1820 occurences of The Tetragrammaton in The Torah, and 228 occurences of ELOHIM.

This makes 2048 occurences of these Divine Names, pointers to the 2048, a perfect 2 Kilobytes of the 11-Dimensional Matrix, holding our 10-Dimensional Universe.

The Fall of Humanity & Creation

. Humans normally have no perception of 5 out of the 10 Dimensions in/of our Universe. The “lost access” to those 5 of our 10 Dimensions is what we kow as The “Fall” and The Exulsion from Eden.