Hebrew Alphabet Gematria Code (22 Letters)

Hebrew 22 Letter Alphabet

The “Basic” 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet with the Numeric Values For Each Letter.

See Psalm 119 in almost all Bibles for the Alphabet. The Psalm has 176 verses, 8 verses starting with each of the 22 Letters. (This is in the Hebrew version that the verses start with each Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The English version shows you the Letters before each group of 8 Verses).

Cricket, Soccer (Football) & The Bible

There re 22 players in a Cricket Match. The Match is played on a 22 Yard “Pitch”. The “numbers” (22) are related to the Biblical alphbet. CRICKET in a sense, COMES FROM THE BIBLE.

The Numbers are important. They MATTER ! They matter to God, even if they do not matter to the people who claim to represent God on Earth !

Soccer` (“Football” for much of the world) uses the same number of players (22) in a match, as Cricket does. There is probably a (distant now) connection with the Biblicl 22 Letter Alphabet. (The same 22 Letter Alphabet was/is used across several Semitic languages, even though the Letters were written differently by different ethnic groups).

Stopping At 400

The 22 Letter Gematria Code “runs out” at 400. For numbers between 500 and 900, we use the 5 “variant” symbols for the 5 Hebrew Letters which are written differently when they occur at the end of a word.