Greek Alphabet Gematria Code

“Standard” 24 Letter Greek Alphabet Gematria

Jesus 888

Greek Alphabet With Names of the Letters

Greek Alphabet Gematria With Ancient “Extra” Letters Included

The “Digamma” (Double Gamma, or Double 3) which is used for “6” is included. The Digamma is often used in the Book of Revelation value for the Number of the (Second) Beast, 666

The letters giving the values 90 and 900, which are not (now) regarded as part of the standard Biblical 24 Letter Alphabet, are included.

Jesus 888

The Greek Gematria Coding makes the value of Jesus’ Greek Name 888. (China would convert to Christianity “en masse” if they knew this, since 888 is regarded as an ultimate symbol of, and agent for, blessing, good luck, prosperity and good fortune in Chinese tradition.