Bethlehem – House of Food/Bread

Bethlehem means “House of Bread”

Bethlehem is really TWO WORDS, Beth or Bet (Beit) meaning House, and Lehem, meaning Bread or Food. An approximate English equivalent meaning would be in effect when we call a place the “Bread Basket”.

The word Lehem, meaning Food or Bread, is related to the Hebrew words for Health, Sickness and Dream(s). That kind of “figures”. You need to get enough to eat to be able to sleep well. If you sleep well enough to dream, you are more likely to be healthy and stay healthy.

Beth Lehem: “House of Bread”

Jesus: “Bread of Life”

Jesus described Himself as Bread or Food that The Father Gives.

Bread, Lehem in Hebrew, has 3 letters. The Value of those letters is 78, the same value as the twelve letters of the Divine Name used in the Aaronic or Priestly Blessing. That Blessing (not counting the three punctuation markers/letters), has 78 components, i.e. 3 Verses, 15 Words, and 60 Letters

I am the Living Bread (or “Bread of Life”) that came down from Heaven . . . .

(John 6:51)