
The word/Name used for God in the Genesis Week account (the first 34 verses of the Bible) is Elohim.

“Technically”, Elohim is a PLURAL word/Name. (The “im” ending (Yod-Mem in Hebrew) indicates a “PLURAL”, just as adding an “s” on the end of a word often indicates a plural in English.

As first written by Moses, the letters in the Name Elohim have a value of 86. That “86” matches the 86 different words used to describe Days 1-6 in Genesis, i.e. the words in Chapter One of Genesis. There are 86 “active” elements in the Periodic Table of The Elements, between Hydrogen and Uranium (inclusive). The other 6 elements, those that do not “react”, are the 6 Inert Gases.

The “86” value for Elohim matches the 86 “plurality” of elements that came with creation. So the “im” ending on Elohim does not necessarily imply that there were multiple “gods” involved in Genesis. There ARE “technical” reasons for using a plural name to describe the 86 (or 92) elements. The UNITY of God is something that is stressed in the Bible, e.g. in “The Shema”. So God’s Unity is not “in question”.

Were there Higher or Divine Beings working with or for God? Possibly. Verse 26 of Genesis reads . . .“Let US make Man in OUR image. . .”

(After the Torah text was divided into words, the “standard Mem” at the end of the Name Elohim, has often been written as a “Final For Mem”, value 600 rather than the standard (value 40) Mem. The matematics has meaning “either way”. What we cover in this Post, is the standard Elohim as a representation of “86” value.

The graphic below shows Elohim written with the “standard Mem” (left end of the Name).

Note that the spelling does NOT include an “O” sound (via the letter Vau). God opted for the spelling (above) which comes out to a numeric value of 86 when He dictated the letters to Moses.

The “o” sound is handled by a “vowel point”. See the written form of the Name Elohim with both punctuation/vowel points, and showing the “Mem Sofit” (final form version of the Letter Mem), in the graphic below. The “o” sound is indicated by the “dot” between the Lamed and the Heh (to the left of the upper portion of the Lamed).

God’s 42 Letter Name & Aloha

God’s (Lower) 42 Letter Name is NOT explicitly in the Bible. But its “mathematics” intertwines perfectly with the mathematics of the Creation account in Genesis. The number of sub-atomic particles in the universe, the structure of the human body, the names of Moses’ 5 Books, the values of Jesus and Christ, and the mathematics in the Ten Commandments are all coded in with the 42 Letter Name. Jesus’ 42 generations in Matthew’s Gospel are related to the 42 Letter Name.

The 42 Letters are divided into 14 Triplets, arranged in a 7 Line array. The value of the top line is 506. The Trplets occur exactly 506 times in the letters God dictated to Moses to give us The Torah. The precision and accuracy that went into the mathematics is, literally, “SUPERHUMAN”.

God’s 42 Letter Name, 14 Triplets in 7 Rows

Top two Triplets 6 and 500 sum to 506
The Triplets occur 506 times in Genesis to Deuteronomy (inclusive)

The “singular” form of Elohim (Hebrew) is ELOH (or ALOH) in Hebrew. The value of the letters is (1, 30, 6, and 5, summing to 42. ) Note that in the Name ELOH, the “o” sound is a letter., unlike in ELOHIM, in which a vowel point is used for the “o” sound. This spelling of ELOH makes ELOHncome out as “42”, a number tied to God’s 42 Letter Name.


In Aramaic, a clear “a” sound is added to the ELOH (Hebrew), and the “E” sound at the start of the Name ELOH is transormed into an “A” sound.

The result is the Aramaic (and Hawaiian) Name/Word ALOHA.