The Double Divine Name (Value 112)

The first time the two Divine Names, value 112 when added (26 + 86 = 112) occur together is in the 35th verse of the Torah.

This verse is “loaded” with hints and references pointing to the 42 Letter Name, including the way “Heaven and Earth” are reversed at the end of the verse to the Hebrew equivalent of “Earth and Heaven”. This means that the first 35 verses of the Torah are packaged inside the Bet at the start of Verse 1, and the Mem at the end of Verse 35.

The 112 has links to the “Floor Plan” of the Future Temple (Ezekiel’s vision). It also has links in into the structure (112 + 8) + (112 + 8) + 8 of the E-8 Lie Group, the theoretical model for the number of fundamental sub-atomic particles in the universe. The 5th word in the above verse (Genesis 2:4) says that God created “with 248”, so from a Torah viewpoint, the “Theoretical Model” of modern Physics and modern Mathematics, is not looking “Theoretical”, but rather “REAL”.

The E-8 Lie Group

The E-8 Lie Group: Science and the Bible agree perfectly, even though Science and Religion, or Science and the opinions of hard core fundamentalists are universes apart.