Shakespeare and Venice: Australia’s “Heritage”?

Australia’s “British” Heritage of Satanic Barbarism and Cruelty, Genuine Phoenician (Canaanite) Venetian Devil Worship

Australia’s beginnings were horrific. The United Kingdom had been transporting convicts to the American colonies, to Canada and to India for a long time. Then the American colonies declared their independence, and successfully rebelled. The “American market” for convict labour was gone. That was, and stilll is the official pretext for establishing convict colonies in “Botany Bay” ( now part of Sydney) and Tasmania.

The real reasons were probably more complex, i.e. reasons like establishing a military and naval presence in the South Pacific. The indicators are obvious. Almost as soon as the “First Fleet” arrived in Australia, ships were then sent from Sydney to Norfolk Island and to Tasmania, where pine trees were plentiful. The agenda appears to have been to establish bases for ship repair and eventually ship building in the Pacific. Convict labour was only “part” of the story.

And the story was brutal.

Modern Australia is a testimony to how people turned such brutal beginnings into a wonderful country. But for a moment, let us look at where and how those brutal origins made their way into Australia.

First, we have to realise that the British Empire WAS NOT and IS NOT “British”. It is a transplant of the Venetian Silk Road World Trade Empire. That Venetian Empire was and is “Phoenician”. The Phoenecians were, and are, great soldiers, great bankers, great sailors. They were, and are, a pack of devil worshipping sadistic child molesters.

The Roman Empire drove the Phoenecians out of what is now Spain and Portugal. The Romans resettled the Iberian Peninsula with Roman colonists. This is why the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages are so close to LATIN – the languages and cultures are linked.

The Romans did their best to rid North Africa of the devil worshipping child molesters. Roman efforts got rid of Carthage and its empire. A small group of the perverts escaped and found themselves another swamp, up in the north of Italy. They called it “Phoenecia”. The name became Venetia, i.e. Venice.

The Phoenecians were snobs. They were perverts. They were sadistic. When Venice organised the Reformation and used it as cover to distract Europe from Venice’s machinations, Vekice got control in London. The Bank of England and Oliver Cromwell were among the “results” of the takeover.

do with Britain. It was pure ancient Canaanite Black Magic and Satanism. That was the real force driving the Reverend (what a joke!) Samuel Marsden’s torture of Irish children in Sydney.The sadism that was let loose in Sydney in the late 1700’s was another gruesome “result” of the Venetian takeover in London. That sadism had nothing to do with the worship of God. It had everything to do with the worship of Canaanite deties who fed off blood, pain, terror and sadism. In early 1800’s Sydney, the high priest of those Canaanite deities was the sadistic Samuel Marsden.

There are many decent Anglicans in Sydney. The Anglican Church in Sydney, quite rightly, cringes at the mention of Marsden’s name. Some idiot appointed Marsden as the head of the Anglican Church in the Pacific. Yet he was not even a member of the Anglican Chur h when he got the “job”. The result was a sadist who wanted Cayenne Pepper rubbed into the wounds of children who had been flogged. Doctors attended those floggings to ensure that the victims stayed alive so as they could not “escape” the torture by dying.

This is the real heritage that gave Shakespeare to Australia as part of its “British heritage”. John Dee, the first “007” was the man who coined the term “The British Empire”. He was based, for a time in Prague Castle. Shakespeare was his private secretary. Venetian Intelligence fed Dee, and Rudolph, Dee’s “sponsor”, the king with an interest in the occult, enough occult knowledge to keep them “dangling”, hanging out for more ancient Canaanite “stuff”.

Shakespeare’s “stuff” is good. It was well edited. But its origins are back with the magicians who wanted what was known as “The Land of Canaan” for its magical portals.

God and Joshua threw that bunch of perverts out of much of The Land of Canaan. God had previously “nuked” them out of Sodom and Gomorrah. But like the Phoenix Bird that they worship, they have had a tendency to rise again from the ashes of defeat.

Their modern descendants managed to get their takeover in London “expunged” from the history books. They managed to make Australia forget who inflicted so much horror on early Australia. They managed to pump a lot of Shakespeare into Australian education.

Shakespeare and Australian Education

Australian school systems have been “pumping” their “kids” full of Shakespeare for decades. Shakespeare is supposed to be part of Australia’s “British heritage”, right? (Australia, or at least modern Australia, began as six British colonies.)

So WHAT does anybody’s “British heritage” have to do with :

The Merchant of Venice?

With Othello (Venice again!)

With “King Lear” (a story from Prague and Bohemia)

With Hamlet (a story taken to Prague by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe)

ith “Mac-Beth” (a supposedly Scottish king whose name says he is the son of the second letter of the Canaanite-Phoenecian-Venetian alphabet)

Australian Education Systems

Australia’s (state) Education Departments gave Australian kids TONS of Shakespeare, TONS of so called “English Literature”. The kids got their Shylock, their Iago and Othello, their King Lear, their Romeo and Juliet . . . . . So what does a Love Story from northern Itly have to do with ENGLISH Literature?

Not a lot ! But remember that Marco Polo was from Venice. Venice ran the Silk Road trade from Asia into Europe for millenia. Marco Polo was just one more Venetian (Phoenician = Canaanite) opening up the “acestral” trade links with Asia.

When the Portuguese reached India via the Cape of Good Hope (southern Africa) at the end of the 1400’s, that old Canaanite-Venetian monopoly over trade with Asia was under threat. The spread of Turkish conquerors westwards was another threat. (The Turks had conquered Constantinople in 1453). So Venice made the decision to move their trading base to the Atlantic seabord, to somewhere from which they could dominate the new trade routes.

The Reformation was a distraction, orchestrated by Venetian Intelligence. They financed the publication of books by prominent Protestant “reformers”, such as Martin Luther, out of Geneva.

Venice also ran the “Counter-Reformation”, spear-headed by the Jesuits. Check the records. All seven of the original Jesuits were ordained as priests in Venice. venice was running them, even if the Jesuits did not know it.

We gt Shakespeare out of all that. And Britain got Roundheads, Civil War, Henry VIII killing off his wives, the Church of England, Oliver Cromwell, the beheading of a British monarch, and the King James Bible.

Australian kids got Shakespeare, carefully coded and scripted with secrets that only top judges and other “insiders” would ever be taught.

And Australia got the 666 Swamp Witch, the Australian chapter of the Charles Manson Cult, and that murderous witch, Ann Hamilton-Byrne.

Julian Assange’s mother was almost drawn into that murderous cult, led by the murderous and sadistic Hamilton-Byrne. Julian’s mother “bailed out” very quickly, annd fled. She managed to hide her two boys from the cult, a cult that pursued her sons for years. Those two boys grew up, and lived. Every other child associated with that cult is now dead.

Canaanite “Magic” (er “Black Magic” has always been about harming children, especially about the sacrifice of children to the Canaanite god Moloch.

Moloch worship involves sacrificing children by burning them alive. Martin Bryant, IQ 58, was meant to be the Moloch sacrifice at Port Arthur. He was like a child. He was meant to be burnt to death. That is why the police set fire to the building. But he survived, burnt and injured, but alive. A real BUMMER for the Howard government. But never fear, 60 Minutes and the rest of the Australian media were there to orchestrate the cover-up.

Moloch worship is about fire, sacrifice by fire. Successive Australian governments, federal and state, the Australian media, the Australian army and the Defence Department, and several Australian polce forces were involved in Port Arthur.

And now, Australia is burning.

But, “no worries folks!”. The fires have been supplemented by drought, hail storms, dust storms, polluted air, lightning strikes “from heaven”, floods and landslides, enough signs to tell even an idiot that God and nature had Australia in their sights.

But these Satanists are not idiots. They are committed to defeating God and to preventing the Second Coming.

But, like we said, “No worries folks! Your tax dollars are paying the salaries of the police and the corrupt judges who are protecting the 666 Swamp Witch and her coven, the rapists and murderers, who are “experiments run out of mental health departments.

No worries folks ! The kids can quote Shakespeare. And the Australian mining interests, such a key part of London’s financial empire, are protected by Black Magic done on Australian soil.

The SAS raid on the Iranian Embassy in the early 80’s was a brilliant success. It was like something out of a James Bond movie. But it was REAL – elite troops, not stuntmen. They rescued ALL the hostages.

There were people in London who saw that raid as a “training op” for future events in the “world to come”. These idiots know that they are going to hell, literally.

But they think that their elite super soldier SAS troops will retain their military skills and prowess after death. They think that in the future, those soldiers will take on God’s angels, and rescue (bail out) their Satan serving masters from Hell.

The arrogance is mind-boggling. But it explains the lies and the cover-ups over the covens, the killings, the rapes, the Claremont Murders, the Son of Sam killings, the Tate-LaBianca killings, and the falsified intelligence over events like The Tampa refugee boat, the Bali Bombing, and the Port Arthur massacre.

The real problem is not the evil done by a small group of Satanists, and their equally Satanic protectors .

The real problem is that NOBODY CARES. NOBODY in Australia, anyway. They just want to keep playing “Let’s Pretend”.