2001: A Space Odyssey
Monolith From 2001: A Space Odyssey.
IS the real monolith the 72 or 112 Triplets and the Staff God engraved for Adam?
The value of the 112th Triangular Number is, as we saw earlier, 6328.
The value of the 107th Triangular Number is 550 less than 6328, i.e. 5778.
On the Hebrew Calendar, “fiddles” and all, 5778 HC was 2018 AD (give and take about 3 months) or maybe, 2019 AD. Yes there ARE “fiddles” in the Hebrew Calendar. But God seems to have allowed for the “fiddles”. There are MANY indications in Biblical texts, and in other places, such as the first thousand digits of “pi”, that the period starting from around 2018-2019 AD is a significant period in human history.
HAL The “Power Mad” Computer in 2001 A Space Odyssey
In Stanley Kubrik’s “2001 A Space Odyssey”, HAL, the onboard computer started “terminating” people, took over the whole ship and the mission.
HAL got “his” name from the name/letters IBM. The letters in HAL are the letters that precede the letters in IBM. At the time Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke were turning Clarke’s ideas into the “2001 A Space Odyssey” movie, IBM’s involvement in The Holocaust was not public knowledge. So that particular IBM link to things of major significance in human history may not have driven the “IBM to HAL” choice. Maybe it WAS no more than IBM or “Big Blue as it was known in the computer industry, being the best known computer company in the 1960’s.
But deeper down, maybe there was something else. The graphic below shows the 72 Triplets, i.e. 72 out of the special 112 Triplets.
Look at Triplet #70, 3rd from the left in the bottom row.
Those three letters are Yod Bet Mem, the Hebrew equivalents of IBM.
The 70th Triplet is shown below:
The 70th Triplet “IBM” (in a sense!) (Yod-Bet-Mem in Hebrew)
That last row of the 72 Triplets has a total value of 702, which is the value of the Hebrew word Shabbat (Sabbath).
The Hebrew word Shabbat has 3 letters, Shin-Bet-Tau. Those three letters are preceded in the (Hebrew) Alphabet by the three letters Resh-Aleph-Shin.
Those three letters spell out the word Head or Start or Beginning. One reading of the first word of the Bible is “In the Beginning”. That interpretation is based on reading “Resh” as beginning or Start.
HAL, Arthur C. Clarke & Stanley Kubrick.
Clarke and Kubrick both denied that the IBM-HAL “link” was intentional. They gave “alternative” explanations for the “coincidence”. Maybe they were being honest. The link might have been “subconscious”. But it was real enough to attract lots of comment, and lots of speculation on the part of fans, film buffs and prominent people in the movie business.
The Resh to Shabbat link is well known in Judaism. Maybe Kubrick knew that link, consciously OR subconsciously. And, large as life, the IBM to HAL to Resh to Shabbat IS there in the Movie, and in the 72 Triplets. The film is regarded as a “classic”, as one of the most influential films of the 20th Century. Few people who see the film “that way” would be aware that there may be YET ANOTHER level of interpretation to the film, an interpretation based on the Staff of Moses, i.e. the Staff that God gave to Adam in Eden.
The opening word of the Bible, a word that incorporates the “Resh”, can be read as:
“On 9/11”
9/11 took place in 2001. The Film’s title is:
“2001: A Space Odyssey”
Why did Clarke and Kubrick choose 2001? Just a coincidence? Or something deeper going on?
Moses and Stanley Kubrick
Moses split the Sea, using (among other things) meditation upon FIVE of the 72 Triplets. These 5 Triplets occur as Triplets 14, 55, 61, 65 and 70. Two of them (#61 and #70) occur in Row 9.
The 72 Triplets are spread, as God engraved them for Adam, across 9 Rows.
HAL was a 9000 Series Computer, or as the movie conversations between spaceship and Earth described it, a “9 Triple Zero” computer. Hints at Triplets, and at the Matrix (value 900) at the start of Genesis. (You won’t see that in the English translation, so do not bother searching !).
The Triplets Moses especially meditated on, i.e. the FIVE TrIPLETS we just mentioned, all have the letters Mem and Bet in them, i.e. 5 references to the 42 Letter Name.
These 5 Triplets occur in Rows 2, 7, 8 and 9. The values of those rows, 628, 1148, 975 and 702 sum to 3553. There is a reflective “symmetry” in that value. The 35 has obvious links to the 35th verse of the Torah, to the 35th layer (“double thickness”) of the Great Pyramid, and to the Double Name of God (total value 112) in the 35th verse of The Torah.
There are other links to the Great Pyramid and to The Trees of Life and of The Knowledge of Good and Evil in the values of Rows 2, 7, 8 9 less the 5 Triplets (3553 – 240 = 3313) and of the full 9 Rows (9143).
There is plenty more detailed info hidden within the numbers. But for now, we will concentrate on how those 5 “42 Letter Name linked Triplets) lower the 112 Triplets “count” to 107.
Amongst many other things, the 107 (107th Triangular Number) points to the 4 diagonal slopes of The Great Pyramid. Those slopes “climb” at 42 degrees.
As we saw in an earlier post, 107 as a Triangular Number points straight at 2018 or 2019 AD.
So whose Odyssey is starting (or getting ready to finish?) right now?