112 Triplets – A Different “Link”

We have seen in earlier posts, that the 112 Triplets are linked to the two Divine Names that occur together (for the first time in the Torah) in verse 4 in Chapter 2 of Genesis. (This is the 35th verse of the Torah.)

These two Names have value 26 and 86, which sum to 112.

An alternative “link” that generates a total value of 112, is the combination of the three Names, values 65, 21 and 26.

In “English translteration”, these Names are Adonai, Ehyeh, and “YHVH”.

Ehyeh – “I Will Be” (Value 21)

Adonai – “Lord” (Value 65)

God’s Sacred 4-Letter Name (Value 26)

21 + 65 + 26 = 112

112 Triplets

21 + 65 + 26 = 112

112 Triplets