We have seen in earlier posts, that the 112 Triplets are linked to the two Divine Names that occur together (for the first time in the Torah) in verse 4 in Chapter 2 of Genesis. (This is the 35th verse of the Torah.)
These two Names have value 26 and 86, which sum to 112.
An alternative “link” that generates a total value of 112, is the combination of the three Names, values 65, 21 and 26.
In “English translteration”, these Names are Adonai, Ehyeh, and “YHVH”.
Ehyeh – “I Will Be” (Value 21)
Adonai – “Lord” (Value 65)
God’s Sacred 4-Letter Name (Value 26)
21 + 65 + 26 = 112
112 Triplets
21 + 65 + 26 = 112
112 Triplets