The TRUTH About The First & Last Rows of The 72 Triplets

The value of the top row is 1143.

The value of the 9th row is 702.

What is Truth?

Pontius Pilate famously asked Jesus:

What is Truth?

The value of the first row of the 72 Triplets is 1143

The value of the last row (the 9th row) of the 72 Triplets is 702 (the same value as the value of Shabbat or Sabbath – cf. the previous post.

The difference between 1143 and 702 is:

1143 – 702 = 441

441 is the value of “Emet” or Truth (Hebrew), equivalent to 21 * 21 = 441, a pointer to the 42 Letter Name divided into two halves, and to the final letters of the last three words in the Genesis Week (Aleph, Mem and Tau = Emet or Truth)

Emet – Truth