
Jesuit History – In Brief

The Jesuits are the Catholic Church’s intellectuals. They are the largest religious order in the Catholic Church.

The original seven Jesuits “formed” through their getting to know eachother at a university in Paris. Their “intellectual”/academic tradition goes right back to their very beginnings.

But, (a long story), they were set up and used as pawns in an intelligence agency operation, run by Venetian Intelligence. That Intelligence Operation had two aspects to its “cover” or disguise/distraction. Those two aspects were the Reformation and the Counter Reformation. The Counter Reformation was spear-headed by the Jesuits. The original seven Jesuits were all ordained as Catholic priests in Venice, a history that “gives the game away” as to who was really calling the shots.

Venetian Intelligence financed the publication of works by Martin Luther and other prominent Protestants out of Geneva. Venetian Intelligence was running both sides of a “distraction” which had most of Europe trying to murder each other in the name of religion.

While Europe was locked into religious wars, Venetian business interests and intelligence moved into both London and Amsterdam. We got Shakespeare (Merchant of Venice, Othello etc) and the British Empire out of all that.

But none of that “real history” changes the fact that most Jesuits have at least 3-4 university degrees, and many have as many as 7-10 degrees. They are very smart. They are regarded as some of the best educators in the world. Hence the “joke” below:

The “gag” goes like this:


Why do you Jesuits always answer a question with a question?


Why Shouldn’t we?