Corona Virus and The 42 Letter Name

Corona Virus in Hebrew

The value of the term Corona Virus in Hebrew is (100 6 200 6 50 1) plus (50 3 10 80)

363 + 143 = 506

The 42 Letter Name

The value of the First Row of the Lower 42 Letter Name is 506. The Triplets in this Name occur 506 times in the Torah.

The combined value of the Final Line of The Upper 42 Letter Name is 610.

The combination of these two lines, 610 + 506 = 1116.

This 1116 is the same as the value of the first two words of the Bible/Torah (913 + 203 = 1116), and of the WILL and KINGDOM of Jesus’ prayer, the top and bottom sephiroth of the Tree of Life. (620 + 496 = 1116)

The word WILL that Jesus used is a substitute for Keter, Crown, the source in a sense, of the word Corona.

The value of Keter, 620, matches the number of letters in the fiirst (Book of Exodus) version of the Ten Commandments (620 Letters).

Our “Kids’ Magic” term ABRACADABRA is closely tied to the Keter-WILL (620) and KINGDOM of Jesus’ prayer, The Our Father.

Coronovirus – Judgement of God?

Is all this just coincidence? Or is it the Judgement of God on a world that has tolerated the use of Biblical Names, especially the 42 Letter Name, in Black Magic False Flag terrorist attacks?

The Upper 42 Letter Name, Total Value 708, line value 26, 72 and 610

Last Line Value is 610

Lower 42 Letter Name

First Line Value 506, same as

Corona Virus

Is it a message? And if it IS a message, is the message, “Repent !”, or is the message “I am going to rescue you from the virus!”