The Smoke of The Incense

The 42 Letter Name has 7 Rows. The 7th Row has the value 906, which is the value of Aaron’s name. This connection with Aaron is yet another hint at links between offerings to God, incense, delivery from plague, and the (Lower( 42 Letter Name.

This Name is NOT “exclusively Jewish”. It is a “co-factor” in the structure of the Universe, and of The Periodic Table of The Elements. Jesus’ Greek Name, and His Hebrew Name are represented (as numbers) in the 42 Letter Name.

The current (modern Physics) theoretical model for the number of Fundamental sub-atomic particles in the universe is in the 42 Letter Name. So is the Greek word “Christos” (Christ) is contained in the interaction of the seven words of Genesis 1:1 (The “One Verse” or “Uni-verse”) and the Seven Rows of the 42 Letter Name.

In other words, the 42 Letter Name, something that is not in the plain text of the Bible, has been and is, part of the Judaeo-Christian Biblical tradition, as well as modern science. And that tradition says that the 42 Letter Name is CLOSELY tied with deliverance from Plague(s).

Incense in The 42 Letter Name

The word “Incense”, or rather the letters in the word “Incense”, are contained within the first two rows. The first row has the vale 506, the sum of the squares of the numbers from 1 to 11. This is a HUGE pointer at the 11 spices that went into the incense that Aaron used to stop plague.

The second row means “Get rid of Satan” or “Tear out Satan”. That is very appropriate for defeating a pandemic, especially if we see it as the work of the devil, or of some evil force. It does not take any effort to see the current death rates (thousands in Italy, thousand in Spain) as something evil.


The 6th column, (the left hand column) contains the letters Ayin-Shin-Nun in rows 5, 3 and 2. Those three letters have the value 420, i.e. 10 by 42. Yet Another “HINT”.

Those three letters spell the Hebrew word for SMOKE, in other words the smoke that rises from what Aaron (7th Row) offers, i.e. the Incense.

That word (Hebrew) for Incense has the value 709, which is the same as the 7 Double Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. These 7 letters are linked to what we know as the Seven Charkras, something (centres of nerve energy) tht are connected with health. The Seven Deacons in Chistianity’s New Testament, the 7 Lights on the Menorah, and Jesus’ 7 Double Baskets from the miracle of thee Feeding of the 4,000 are all connected to the 709 (7bDoubles, 7 Charkras).

The Seven Charkras “link” beings the 42 Letter Name into the realm of Hinduism, Buddhism and almost all “Eastern” or “Asian” religions.

Abraham taught about the 7 Doubles in his “Book of Formation”. If Abraham taught this, then it is also relevant to, and connected with, Islam.

The 42 Letter Name — 42 Hebrew Letters in 7 Rows

The Smoke

Smoke – Spelling Ayin Shin Nun (= 70 300 50 with a rgular Nun, and 1070 with a Final Form Nun)