Beating Plague: Praying The 42 Letter Name — Transliterated Ana B’koach

The “Ana B’koah” (or Ana B’koach” is a 42 word prayer that incorporates the 42 Letter Name (the one that contains the Incense, the Smoke of the Incense, Jesus’ Names, Aaron’s name, and the plea to God to “Smash Satan”).

The first letter of each of the 42 words (in Hebrew) gives us the 42 Letter Name. Look up Psalm 119 in any Bible to see the Hebrew Alphabet. You may not have the pronunciation 100% perfect, but you will be close with the transliteration into English/Roman letters.

Look at the 42 Letter Name, starting the Biblical way, on the right. The first letter is Aleph. The second letter is Beth. These are the A and B sounds in Ana B’koah.

Row One

A-na B’co-ach Gdu-lath Y’Y’minka Ta-tir TZe-ru-ra

Row Two

Ka-vel Ri-nath Am-ka, Sag-vei-nu Ta-ha-rei-nu No-ra

Row Three

Na Gi-bor Dor-shei Yi-chud-ka K’va-vath SHam-rem

Row Four

Bar-chem Ta-ha-rem Ra-cha-mem TZid-kath-ka Ta-mid Gam-lem

Row Five

Cha-sin Qa-dosh B’rov Tu-ka Na-hel A-da-the-ka

Row Six

Ya-chid Ge-eh L’am-ka P’neh Zoch-rei Q’du-sha-tha-ka

Row Seven

Shav-a-thei-nu Qa-bel Ush’ma TZa-a-ka-thei-nu Yo-de-ah Ta-a-lu-mot

The Lord’s Prayer

Remember that Jesus’ prayer, the Lord’s Prayer or “our Father”, is a “tour” of The Tree of Life, a.k.a. The Tree of The Sephiroth. Most of us know the names of some of those Sephiroth, e.g. WILL, KINGDOM, POWER and GLORY. The full listing of the Sephiroth in Hebrew, the language in which Jesus prayed every day when He prayed the Shema, consists of 42 Letters. The 42 Letters were engraved, by God on the Staff which God gave to Adam in Eden. The Names on the Staff were God’s gift(s) to humanity. That Staff was passed down throuh the generations. Noah had it on the Ark. Moses had it when he split the Sea. This Name came from God. It is for us to use.

The 42 Letter Name (above)

Numeric Values In The 42 Letter Name

The numeric values in the 42 Letter Name are a HUGE topic. What follows is only a very brief introduction, touching on Jesus’s connections (more than covered here) with the 42 Letter Name.

Look at the two right hand columns. Their value (471 + 417 ) is 888, which is the value of Jesus’ Greek (New Testament) Name.

Columns 3,4 and 5 sum to 1800. 1800 is a representation of 18, the value of Chai or Hai in Hebrew, the word for life. This is the source of Eve’s original name (before she became “Eve” or Chavah/Havah. It is also the root or source of the Chinese word Ch’i or Qi, the word for life, forvitality and energy. Jesus called Himelf the “Bread of Life”. He was born in “The House of Bread”, Beth-Lehem.

Use thee prayer associated with Jesus’ 42 generations in Matthews Gospel, and think about getting away from the virus oriented GMO bread that much of the western world has been eating for the past 30 to 60 years. The Germans don’t eat it. Neither do the Russians – Vladimir Putin and his government banned tht illness inducing food from Russia. Did he do that for no reason ?? Think about it!


The Numeric Values of The Letters (Above)