Pointers to the Magic Cube of 42 and the 112 Triplets From Inside The Secret Pathway

The 42nd Triplet in the 72 Triplets is part of the Secret Pathway of 888, i.e. of the “pathway” that is Jesus”, the pathway and the door, that Jesus spoke of pehaps –if we read into His words, it is not hard to see Him saying “Iam the gateway, the door through which my sheep come in and go out”.

Remember that the Holy of Holies is a CUBE. So is the new city in the Book of Revelation. So is the Magic Cube of 42. That 42 “matches” Jesus’ 42 generations, Moses’ 42 journeys from Egypt to the Jordan River, and God’s 42 Letter Names. Both those Names, Upper and Lower 42 Letter Names are part of the 42 Triplets.

So it is noteworthy that the 42nd Triplet has the value 70. Add 70 and 42 and we have 112, the “corner values” of the Magic Cube of 42.

Those 112 Triplets that make up 4 of the Essential Elements of Creation are tied to the 112th Triangular Number, the fusion of John 1:1 and Genesis 1:1.

The Magic Cube of 42 laid out as a cross to show the faces. The only “number” not shown is the number at the centre of The Cube. This is the 14th Letter/Number, the Nun (Hebrew), which is The Fish. Just a coincidence that early Christians used the FISH as a sign??