Jairus’ Daughter and “The Cube”

12 Edges on a Cube — 12 Years (TWICE!)

When Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from death, she was 12 years old.

On the way to Jairus’ home, a woman who had been losing blood from her internal bleeding grabbed the Zitzith on the corner of Jesus’ garment and was healed.


When Jesus reached Jairus’ home, He put the mourners “out”. He then entered the room where the little girl lay dead. With Him, He had THREE apostles, plus Jairus and his wife, the parents of the dead girl.

^ Faces of a Cube Around a Centre — 6 Adults Around The Dead Girl

Count the people: Jesus plus 3 apostles plus two parents. That makes 6 adults around the dead girl.

What is built in behind the story is a CUBE.

A UBE has 12 edges, and 6 Faces around a centre.

12 Edges, 6 Faces and a Centre

12 Years, Jesus + 5 Adults around the Dead Girl

This all happened on the same day that Jesus “called Matthew-Levi”, to be one of the Apostles. Matthew opens his Gospel with an account of Jesus’ 42 generations, with the 42nd being His resurrection, and NOT His physical birth as a human baby – that was generation #41.

Part of the lead-in to the events that day was Jesus’ exorcism of a “Legion load” of demons on the “other side” of the “lake”. 9modern research indicates that Jesus’ travel across that “lake” was more “magical” than we were taught. The exorcism happened further away than the “standard interpretation” of the Gospel story.)

After that exorcism, He travelled to what is remarkably, a series of events recorded from the same day – the guy being lowered through the opening in the roof, Matthew’s “call” and banquet, and Jairus’ daughter.

That exorcism resulted in about 2000 pigs “suicding” by charging over a cliff into the water. Apart from the obvious indication that “your average pig” would rather die than have a fraction of the evil that is in some people inside it, there is a deeper significane to the numbers.

The Shema, said twice daily by devout Jews, Jesus included, has 1036 letters in it. If we treat God’s 4-Letter Name, the “Tetragramaton” as Unity, just as the opening line of The Shema (BIDeteronomy 6:4) says, then the number of letters “reduces” from 1036 to 1000.

This is because God’s 4-Letter Name occurs 12 times in The Shema. So if that Name is ONE, then 48 Letters across 12 occurences of the Sacred Name, becomes 12.

48 less 12 = 36.

So 1036 becomes 1000.

Those 2000 pigs were a reference, coded in behind the Gospel story, to the 2000 Letters said every day in the twice daily repetition of The Shema.

The Shema has 248 words – a link to Abraham (value of his name = 248) and the 248 Fundamental Particles of the E-8 Lie Grup model of Modern Physics.

Said twice daily, the Shema’s 2 * 248 equates 496 spoken Words.

Jesus prayed “Thy Kingdom Come”,, but He was not speaking English. When He said the word Kingdom, His mind went to Greek, Aramaic and HEBREW. (Maybe he was fluent in Latin and some form of coptic Egyptian as well – He DID live in Egypt as a boy. He. He probably knew several languages, other than those listed here. We know that He was VERY smart!) But let us stick to the Hebrew for now.

The HEBREW word for Kingdom is Malcuth, value 496.

When Jesus said “Thy Kingdom come”, He was pointing at The Shema, and at the Cube of 10 by 10 by 10, the Holy of Holies.

The Daughter of Light

Jairus (The Latin form of his name, was named, in Hebrew, “Light”, which sounds in Hebrew, like “AUR”. In Greek the “AUR sounded like IAERIOS”, which was transliterated into Latin as IAIRUS or Jairus if we used the modern “J” substitute for the Roman-Latin “I”.

The point of this detail, is that the girl, daughter of Jairus, was The Daughter of Light.

Jesus called her “Talitha”. Jesus was calling her “Little Miss Teli”, the little girl caught by The Teli ‘ The teli is (a Jewish-Hebrew term) The Serpent, coiled around The celestial axis that runs through The Pole Star. The Teli is coiled through the 12 Constellations.

Jesus was calling the Daughter of Light ensnared by the Serpent, in the coils of Death and Darkness, back into the Light. The woman losing blood for 12 years, grabbed the 9 fold knot on Jesus’ garment. Light in Genesis, in the Torah, is a 9 Fold string.

Pilate’s Notice above Jesus’ cross consisted of 9 words. It matches “Light as a 9 Fold String”, and the 72 Triplets — configured in either 9 columns or 8 columns. The 9 Column layout “highlights” Peter, James and John, sSimon Peter as Cephas, Fibonacci Numbers, a Caribbean nation and modern Australia. The 8 Column layout also points to modern Australia, The Caribbean and the USA, as well as to the “11 Dimensional Divine Matric that encloses our 10 Dimensional Universe/

The first 9 of The 72 Triplets, has the value 1165, the same as the “nicknames” that Jesus gave to Peter, James and John.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He described Himself to His Disciples as “Flesh and Bone” rather than “Flesh and Blood”. It was LIGHT in His veins, rather than Blood.

“The Plan” is that humans become “Fibre Optic” Beings of Light.