42 on Either Side of the 42nd Triplet – More in “The Secret Pathway”

The 42nd of the 72 Triplets has the value 70.

The 43rd Triplet has the value 42.

The 40th and 41st Triplets have values 27 and 15, summing to 42.

So the 42nd Triplet, value 70, with 70 + 42 = 112 as a pointer to the 112 Triplets, is “packaged” between two other “42’s).

In turn, the position numbers 41, 42 and 43 sum to 126, i.e. three times 42.

God engraved those Triplets on the Saphire Staff He-She gave to humanity, i.e. to Adam as High Priest of Humanity. The “message” about the “Secret Pathway” of 888, and the pointers to the Magic Cube of 42 and The 112 Triplets are literally, engraved into the Staff.